
Sep 16, 2006 21:57

So I haven't updated lately...mainly because there's not alot to say.

I'm officially not only a Spanish major and an Education minor, but a Theology major too. Hehe. I'm kind of worried about it, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Shaundra is playing burnout and I played a couple rounds. It was alot of fun. Yay for crashing virtual cars.

I'm driving to church tomorrow and it scares me. So far I've only gone with Megan twice, but I'm driving Shaundra this time.

There's not really too much else to talk about. I watched scary movies with 4 other people last night. We all fit on Lynn's bed. Hehe. And I got an airbrush tattoo on my arm at RCAD. Then today we went to Target and got chopsticks for $250 (like, 4 sets in each pack) and then Wal-Mart for cookie dough for the Harry Potter Club thing tomorrow afternoon. Yayness.

I don't know what else to say...um...there's pictures of our pretty, clean room on webshots. Yay. Look.


I'm off to the gym now.
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