Aspetta un attimo...

Apr 07, 2010 01:06

... Perché non ho comprato alcun fumetto Disney quando ero in Italia?!


Translation: I'm stupid/forgetful and bored. And trying not to fret about the deluge my city is going through. :/

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Comments 21

vampirenaomi April 7 2010, 08:00:30 UTC
That... is a very good question! I never even thought about that, but it should be obvious. D:

I hope things will turn out fine in Rio. :/


gemini_artemis April 7 2010, 16:02:50 UTC
I feel so bad now. D: Before I left Rio, I told myself to buy Disney comics not only for myself, but also for you, since you said that the Disney comics are the best. I even went into a comic shop, but I totally forgot about the Disney comics. DX I think Italy dazzled me. XD I might have to go back there to buy them, not that it would be a huge sacrifice, haha. XD

I was worried about my mother, who was driving back from Cabo Frio. :/ Thankfully, she didn't get stranded or anything. Her friend's friend lost her whole family, though; it was horrible.


vampirenaomi April 7 2010, 16:44:49 UTC
Don't worry about me. We get so many Italian Disney comics published here that I don't have the time or the money to read all of them. XD It's too bad you forgot to get them for yourself. Italians really make the best Disney comics ever.

I'm so glad that your mother is okay, but what happened to her friend's friend is just horrible! o__o I just can't even imagine that. It reminds me of the tsunami in 2005 when this girl around here lost her parents and all her siblings.


gemini_artemis April 8 2010, 22:24:16 UTC
Oh, I'd forgotten about that. XD Still, it'd be at least a souvenir. orz

Yeah, it was something like that, and I was pretty disturbed to hear about it. Apparently, the ceiling collapsed under the weight of the overflowing water tower and killed her three daughters. When she told the news to her mother, she also died from a heart attack. D: I can't even imagine what it'd be like to lose one's whole family all of a sudden like that.


pengychan April 7 2010, 08:09:41 UTC
Perchè hai viaggiato quasi tutto il tempo per visitare un mucchio di posto ed eri stanca? Io quando sono stanca potrei dimenticarmi la testa in giro se non fosse ben attaccata al collo XD
Scherzi a parte, se vuoi qualche fumetto posso comprarteli io e poi spedirteli senza problemi. Qualche preferenza?

As for the deluge, I read about it yesterday and it sounds really bad :/ Glad to know you're fine, though. I hope it's over soon.


gemini_artemis April 7 2010, 16:10:28 UTC
Forse, anche se non ero stanca tutto il tempo (infatti, a volte ero annoiata). XD A dire il vero, io potrei dimenticarmi la testa in giro anche quando non sono particolarmente stanca; veramente sono troppo distratta. XD Del resto, l'Italia è così bella e interessante che forse mi ha rubato tutti i pensieri su fandom. XD

Oh! Non è davvero una cosa così importante... ma se sei sicura che non sarebbe un fastidio... grazie mille! :D Ma solo se posso darti qualcosa in cambio. :3 (Se no, posso comprare i fumetti la prossima volta che viaggio in Italia. Sarebbe un bel piacere. XD)

Most of the fatal victims lived in poor, risky areas, near the hills. :/ Classes were cancelled, so I stayed home all the time; I only worried about my mother, who was coming back from a trip, but thankfully, she didn't get stranded and made it home all right.


pengychan April 7 2010, 19:56:10 UTC
Io sono la personificazione della distrazione, quindi so che significa. Sono capace di andare al supermercato per comprare una cosa, tornare a casa e rendermi conto di aver comprato TUTTO tranne l'unica cosa che avrei dovuto comprare... XD

Ma figurati! Che tipo di fumetti preferisci? Ci sono quelli settimanali con storie sempre nuove e altri mensili che raccolgono vecchie storie, magari secondo certi temi. O un po' di entrambi? Scegli tu. Ma non voglio nulla in cambio, tu e tuo padre siete stati già anche troppo gentili a pagarmi due pranzi!

Aw, that sounds terrible and I can't even say something stupid about how great it had to be getting your classes canceled :/ I'm glad your mother is fine - I remember once my mother had to drive through one of the worst storms I've ever seen, and I was so worried until I saw her getting home. And man, what happened to your mother's friend's friend is so horrible! D:


gemini_artemis April 8 2010, 23:03:17 UTC
Allora sei proprio come me e mia madre. XD Facciamo questo tutto il tempo.

Hmm, forse un po' di entrambi? Io vorrei almeno una storia di Donald Duck (Paperino?), ma a parte questo non ho preferenze. :3 Però pagarti quei pranzi era il minimo che potessimo fare per te, che sei stata così gentile ad essere la nostra guida per due giorni! :D Se c'è qualcosa che posso darti in cambio, solo dimmi. :3

I feel a little guilty, because I was actually happy that classes were cancelled; I needed more time to prepare for a seminar, so this helped me. :/ Yeah, it's really nerve-wracking when someone you really care about is outside when something like this happens. At least she called us several times during the trip to let us know that she was fine. What happened to her friend's friend is really horrible, though, and it disturbs that it could have been easily my grandmother or my aunt. D:


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