Jul 08, 2013 20:29
While trying to delete useless tags in my journal, it occurred to me that maybe I've been missing the point of tags all this time. Well, me and 99,9% of other Internet users, really. Maybe the realization came from my studies in LIS, or maybe it was just my brain that started working. The point is: why do I tag posts that I have no interest in finding again or want anyone else to see? Tagging posts that I or another user will probably want to find in the future, that's valid... My fics, for example. But really, why do I tag my RL angsty posts that should be buried in the past?
I'll try use the tag feature more wisely from now on, because finding useful posts turned out to be quite hard. o.o
The funny thing is that while I was trying to clean up my tag list, I found some interesting posts in which I was fangirling books and movies whose existence I had completely forgotten! I mean, what's this about me watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas" in Japanese? What's this about a Dragonlance book in which Raistlin and Sturm team up?! And more importantly, WHERE THE HECK IS SAID BOOK??? o__o