2012 was a strange year. It felt like a period of reflection. I feel bad that I've been a little absent with my friends lately, but I felt the need to go into a sort of "retreat" and try to sort things out. In a way, I've been psychologically preparing myself for the next years. I need to be more responsible and face my fears and insecurities, so my resolve has to be stronger than ever now. I'm not sure I feel ready yet, but... I'll just have to do my best.
I hope all of you will have a wonderful 2013!
Here are my 2012 resolutions and my evaluation of them:
- Become fluent in another language (strongest candidate: Italian) - NOT SURE! Although my Italian has improved, I still don't feel comfortable enough with it. I could probably fix this by using it more often, either by writing more entries in Italian or by stopping using English when talking to Pengy.
- Learn enough French to make small talk in it - SUCCESS! I probably couldn't make small talk in oral conversation, but I'm confident that I can chat or exchange messages in French on a very good level. Good enough for me, for now.
- Learn enough Esperanto to write or translate a fic and post it - SUCCESS! I actually wrote and posted a few Hetalia drabbles.
- Do regular physical exercise, even if it's just a 10-minute walk - FAILED! It didn't help that I found out I have a problem in my back that prevents me from taking even 10-minute walks.
- Write more fic - FAILED! While I did write and update some fics, the amount of words I wrote was pathetically smaller compared to previous years. 2012 was such a null year, writing-wise, that I couldn't even bring myself to celebrate my 9th FFN anniversary.
- Become a less strict and gloomy person - FAILED! I wasn't as bad as last year, but the difference is insignificant to me.
- Clean up my room - FAILED! What a laugh...
- Go out more - FAILED! I think I went out even less.
- Drink more water - FAILED! Nothing's changed.
2013 Resolutions
In 2013, I will...
- Be less lazy
- Study more
- Find another shrink
- Be a little more communicative
- Talk to
pengychan in Italian more often
- Dust and sweep my room at least once a week
- Drink more water
- Do some sort of physical exercise (as soon as my back is healed)