
Apr 20, 2007 14:13

En~vy. You're mean. You said we were scary

And anon-san? There are ways of finding out who you are y'know. But thank you, we suppose.

We're bored. Entertain us, if you please.

bored, awards-thing, looking for trouble

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naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 15:58:59 UTC
Don't you usually make your own entertainment?


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:01:09 UTC
Sometimes half the fun is seeing what other people come up with.


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:02:17 UTC
So you just post and tell people to entertain you.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:03:56 UTC
Frequently. You haven't noticed?


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:07:42 UTC
Now that I think about it, I suppose I have.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:13:28 UTC
So, what do you have to offer Ha~ru~hi?


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:17:39 UTC
Oh, I wasn't offering anything.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:21:56 UTC
So cruel. And here you had our hopes up.


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:24:02 UTC
Your definition of what's entertaining and mine don't generally intersect in a lot of cases.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:26:16 UTC
By definition, our sort of fun usually doesn't.

Doesn't mean you can't try though.


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:34:25 UTC
I suppose, but I wouldn't know where to look.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:38:12 UTC
Oh, don't let us forget to send those earphones round to you.

Think harder Ha~ru~hi.


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:41:19 UTC
That's right, I almost forgot. I can come to pick them up if you want.

I'm sure everyone else is doing just fine entertaining you.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:47:59 UTC
That'd be nice.

Ah, but we want you Ha~ru~hi. Though Envy is doing a good job.


naturallyindebt April 20 2007, 16:52:31 UTC
I'll come by a little later, then.

Well if Envy is entertaining you then I'm sure your hands are full anyway.


gemini_aniki April 20 2007, 16:53:28 UTC
We look forward to it.

...Really. How vulgar.


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