Log Post

Aug 30, 2007 19:11

Who: Hikaru, Kaoru, Bart, Killua and Train
What: A nice, friendly chat
Where: Fatima Palace
When: Tuesday night
Why: Cos the Twins and Bart need to talk to Train and Killua insisted on coming.

You saw nothing. Yes, you.

Welcome to today's round of abuse Train )


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yggdrasillove August 21 2007, 23:34:00 UTC
At the sound of the knock, Bart quickly trotted to the gate. As he opened it, he gave a quick smile as a greeting to the twins, "Welcome to the... er... humble abode, I guess." It had been a long day. His trip to Sparta postponed twice, having to lock Killua in his room after finding out that said little brother had done... things with his MUCH older boyfriend. It was nice to see the two that would help him straighten out things.


sweep August 22 2007, 00:16:46 UTC
Train had purposefully taken longer than necessary to locate Bart's castle. When one knew they were about to enter a metaphorical (OR NOT) bloodbath, made sense for them to drag their feet a little. And if Bart and the Twins weren't so important to Killua, he probably wouldn't have shown up at all-- what did the opinions of three strangers matter to him? Anxious, Train ran one hand through his hair and approached the gate, pausing at the sight of Bart, Hikaru, and Kaoru. He felt a little ridiculous, shrinking away like a guilty child when he was a good 5+ years older than all of them, but those threats of castration would intimidate anyone.


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 13:05:55 UTC
Hikaru nodded a greeting to Bart, wondering if he was expecting them to be overly impressed by the size of the building. "It's not bad, we s'pose. You got somewhere appropriate for this?" He may have been pissed as hell, that didn't mean that they weren't going to indulge their penchant for the dramatic. Where was the fun if they couldn't scare Train a little? Kaoru spotted Train first, narrowing his eyes slightly, though relieved he had actually shown up. It saved them the costs of finding out his new location if nothing else. He glanced over at his twin and they gave identical, feral smiles as he approached. Let the games begin.


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 16:53:03 UTC
He was actually glad that they didn't gawk over his newly reclaimed home, as shown with his smile to their indifference. At their query Bart's one visible eye narrowed as a mischievous smirk crossed his face, "I have something that could work wonders for interrogation." He made sure to make the last half of his statement a bit louder than speaking tone- so that the approaching Train could hear exactly what he was walking into.


sweep August 22 2007, 17:58:06 UTC
Interrogation? Oh yeah, this wasn't going to be pretty. Careful, Train. They can SMELL fear. After summoning up his best friendly smile, Train joined his three persecutors in front of the castle gate and greeted them amiably, "Yo. We gonna get this over with quickly, or what? I think I left something in the oven."


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 18:06:06 UTC
They both smirked at Bart's words, knowing they weren't really for their benefit at all. "Lead the way, then." As much as they both usually liked to play with their food, Hikaru was almost hoping this would be over quickly so they could leave in peace. He glanced over at Train, watching him smile and feeling the fear underneath. He smirked. "You'll be here as long as necessary." Kaoru stayed quiet, watching. Seemed like Train was already scared enough, for the moment anyway.


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 18:59:53 UTC
Bart tried his best to ignore Train's comments, lest he tackle him right then and there, "This way." He led the troupe inside and into the lobby before turning around, "Okay, uh, I think the room's... that way." He pointed to their right, seeming just a tiny bit unsure, and continued leading. "...S'been a while since I've been this way." He added almost sheepishly as an excuse.


sweep August 22 2007, 19:19:21 UTC
Train followed after Bart and the twins without complaint, trotting along behind them as he glanced around the impressive castle. He was almost tempted to ask if Franz was around, but somehow he got the feeling that this wasn't exactly the best time for dolphin-man tricks. Plus, he forgot his tuna back at the motel. "Nice place you got here. We going to the dungeon? Going to lock me in the iron maiden?" he remarked offhandedly, almost forgetting he was supposed to be afraid and intimidated.


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 19:31:30 UTC
The twins were almost tempted to laugh, but somehow didn't feel it was appropriate for the occasion. They followed behind Bart in silence, trying not to jump the gun. It wouldn't do to start too soon. Hikaru stiffened slightly as he heard Train speak. No one was really in the mood for jokes, and he really wasn't finding it funny. He turned back to glance at Train, eyes cold before looking back ahead. His voice was level as he spoke to Bart, "Is that an option?"


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 19:42:04 UTC
Bart had cringed a bit at Train's off handed joke, but refrained from saying anything until Hikaru spoke. Or was it Kaoru. Either way, it merited an answer, "Eh, I guess. We can come up with something. I've never really used any of it myself." He stayed mute about the fact that the only time torture ever occurred here was when it was used on him a little over a decade ago. He stopped at a door and pressed down on a handle, revealing the inside room. For an "interrogation room" it was rather... plain. Not so much sinister as bare and lifeless. "...Tada?"


sweep August 22 2007, 19:53:02 UTC
Tough crowd. Apparently none of his present company appreciated his attempts to lighten the mood a little. Shrugging, Train headed inside the so called interrogation room and took a seat on the safest-looking piece of furniture. Too bad all of Killua's friends aren't mindreaders, Train thought irritably, Or at least have senses of humor. "Okay. Ready when you are."


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 19:59:45 UTC
Kaoru arched an eyebrow at the sight of the room, but said nothing. After all, they were only here to talk right now. "Let's see how it goes." They both watched Train sit himself down and smirked slightly. No one was here to make this fun for him, or they wouldn't be here at all. Hikaru sat down facing him, stiff and glaring and Kaoru couldn't bring himself to care who else was in the room. He slid to sit down leaning against his twin, looking across at Train, more tired than angry now. They'd wait until they had some answers. One thing was for certain, if he'd done anything Killua hadn't wanted, there'd be hell to pay.


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 20:07:15 UTC
Leaning against the wall next to the door was pretty much the only thing Bart could do at the moment. Well, the only thing that didn't involve physically hurting anyone. Taking a moment to collect himself, he began in an almost surprisingly level voice, "...So. Start explaining."


sweep August 22 2007, 20:25:42 UTC
Train glanced from one displeased Hitachiin twin to the other before his gaze eventually settled on Bart. "There's not much to explain," he started, blinking and shifting uneasily in his seat. "Like Killua said, none of it was planned. Originally, we meant to take it slow, but both of us got sorta carried away." He wouldn't mention the skirt detail unless any of them asked. They had some right to privacy, after all. "I didn't trick him or push him or force him into doing anything."


gemini_aniki August 22 2007, 20:30:49 UTC
Both twins focused in on him shifting. That was never a good sign, the past year or so of hosting had taught them that much. It usually meant trouble. Hikaru saw Train avoid their eyes and gave a sharp grin. They intended to make him feel a damn sight more than this. "Take it slow? It's been two weeks. He's thirteen years old. Until a few months ago he hadn't even considered sex, you're trying to tell us you had no influence at all?" Hikaru could feel the rage beginning to boil up behind his eyes again. He felt Kaoru slip a hand into his and squeeze slightly. This was not how he had planned to spend the evening.


yggdrasillove August 22 2007, 20:56:06 UTC
Bart was obviously uncomfortable with what he was going to add to the questioning, but it had to be done. Sucking in a deep breath he said, "Also, how quick did it happen exactly? Even if it wasn't planned, I'm assumin' you both had enough sense to take the... necessary precautions." Yup. This was turning into a very uncomfortable topic. Shrugging his uneasiness off, he continued, "That's what a responsible adult," he put extra strain on the word, to remind Train exactly how much of an age difference there was between him and Killua, "would do no matter what the situation."


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