
May 17, 2007 15:47

Truth or dare here. We're bored. Entertain us.

...Our parents are home. Both of them. At the same time. And they want to 'talk to us' later. This is... disturbing.

On the other hand, little fox is coming here so at least most of today should be amusing~

EDIT: We seem to be going to London. Without the laptop. Fuck.

parents, truth or dare, little fox

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naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 15:50:08 UTC
Is everything alright?


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 15:51:18 UTC
We don't know. This has never happened before.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 15:53:41 UTC
You don't think something's really wrong, do you? They are your parents; they're allowed to be home and want to talk with their sons without being up to something.


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 15:55:52 UTC
Haruhi, our parents aren't like yours. They don't really even live here. So we don't know what they want.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 15:59:50 UTC
Well, I'm sure that everything's fine.


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 16:05:53 UTC
We hope so.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 16:08:20 UTC
How are you otherwise? I'm glad to see none of us managed to get caught up in the latest transformation episode.


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 16:12:04 UTC
Us? Better than we were. Yeah, though it might've made a change. Nothing something that'd bother us that much really.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 16:15:33 UTC
I'm glad to hear that. And you always were rather adaptable.


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 16:16:53 UTC
How about you? It'd be an interesting experience, as long as it wasn't permanent.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 16:18:37 UTC
I'm fine, I've just been busy. Interesting is a good way to put it.


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 16:21:20 UTC
Busy can be good. Ah, yes, you've done it. We forgot.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 16:30:24 UTC
I don't think it's necessarily good or bad, just busy. It's a bit harder to forget when it was you. It was an interesting experience, though, seeing things from the "other side."


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 16:35:43 UTC
Depends, we s'pose. We'd imagine so. Oh well, we'll prolly get hit eventually. Seems like most people here have.


naturallyindebt May 17 2007, 16:37:51 UTC
I almost look forward to seeing senpai's reaction if does happen.


gemini_aniki May 17 2007, 16:38:51 UTC
To him or to us?


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