Jun 08, 2009 08:28
So, Friday was kind of a bummer because I wasn't feeling too good the whole day. I stayed home from work and slept off and on, and then I missed Amanda's coworker's birthday dinner and drinks. :(
Saturday, read for a bit from Bush's War by Bob Woodward. Not exactly poolside reading, but interesting stuff. I have an intense dislike for the Bush Admin, so it's good to get this perspective. Huge blunders were made by misguided people, but intentions were good. Does it matter?
We went to my parents' for a birthday BBQ. It was super fun, chicken, burgers, hotdogs, a big cake. With Ewan, we raced around in his fire truck, played with his train and new quilt for his big boy bed, played with the hose, and played on the exercise gazelle thingy in the basement. Back home, we did some quick birthday laundry, then hit the couch for birthday napping.
Sunday, Amanda went off to Hello, Dolly auditions (she's in the ensemble!) and I cleaned up and packed for our CA trip. I picked up Amanda after auditions, but it was a mess downtown. I had to drive down Boylston right as the Red Sox game ended and the crowds and cars hit the streets. We had to take Commonwealth Ave through Allston to get home due to Fenway traffic and the BU Bridge was closed off and packed with traffic.
We watched a bit of the Tony's. A whole lotta crap musicals based on TV shows and stuff you already knows. Bret Michaels of Poison, consumate douchbag, performed. This was a tighly knit opening number with no time to screw around. Bret, after performing, was bowing to the audience as everyone else hussled upstage. Micheals hit his stupid face right on the dropping scenery and his stupid hat came off and was left on stage. It was brilliant.