Jan 13, 2009 08:03
So, good times over the weekend. Friday night, we headed over to the Charle's Playhouse for karaoke with Shannon and Kristopher and the Beans. Amanda sang love shack and was joined onstage by overanxious guy! Kristopher did a bunch of Weird Al Songs and Amanda drank too much (I got close). We cabbed it home for 2pm, stayed up past 3:30p and Amanda lay on the couch into the morning with the dizzies.
Saturday started off real slowly as we dragged our asses around. Breakfast at 2pm, trip to the Mill Store where we ordered a bookshelf and console table. Back home and then down to IKEA, great shopping on a Sat night before another snow storm. We picked up a chair, ostensibly for ourselves, but really, the cats will sit on it more.
Sunday, we went over to the Marzillis for lunch. The Beals, Debbie and Eli, and Liza's friend Stacy and her Brian all showed and we had a great time!