Mar 14, 2005 18:11
So I went to Orlando this weekend to visit Lindsay and Lauren and had a spectacular time.
I shall give you a run down of my adventures. First I missed my bus by 10 mins and was given an attitude by this little prissy gay black worker. Since I missed the bus I traded in my 6:00 ticket for one for 8:45. Then I realized I had lost my phone and most likely it fell out of my pocket on the bus from UNF to the grey hound bus station. So after telling myself that it was ok numerous time, I realized that the buses run every 15 mins so I could retrieve my phone if I could only find the right bus. Luck was on my side and my phone was retrieved. I then called everyone I could think to because of my nearly 3 hour wait in the grey hound bus station. I hit pay dirt with my grandmother (my father's mother) and talked to her for 45 mins. She is extreamly interesting and Im going to have to talk to her more often.
So I finally make it to Orlando, the bus trip was uneventful, and got picked up by Lauren and Lindsay. Yay and the fun began. I honestly cant remember what we did on Friday so moving onto Saturday. Lindsay had to go to work so I went shopping with Lauren and bought goodies galore. I bought two pairs of sneakers, socks, bras, underwears, and the sluttiest black dress that ever did slut. Also we went to Marble Slab icecream and I came to discover that it was created by God to show us that he loves us.
On Sunday Lauren and I went shopping with Matt, we tried to find him emo clothes but to no avail, I did have fun playing dress up with the boy though. Then I was introduced to a wondrous thing, it is called Nip/Tuck and now I know what all the fuss is about. It was a great show. Although I wish I had taken Lindsay's advice and spent my Sunday watching the first season. Oh we went to Matt's house to watch Nip/Tuck. I love Matt's house its filled with single mostly cute guys, and Kevin's room oh the things to play with oh the memories, oh the photos I took whahahh. That does sound a bit dirty but its not. So yes I had a wonderous time hanging out with Lindsay and Lauren. I must go back soon.
Also as a side note, Im in the library sitting next to my microeconomics crush...ahh hes still so pretty and fun to look at.