Nov 01, 2004 23:16
eep i'm so nervous and excited about election day!! I hope things turn out the way i want them to! In a perfect world, Proposal 2 would not pass and John Kerry would be president. Hopefully this comes true! So my friend sent me some thing from george bush, this thing that is like "please vote for me." I know he, my friend, is just antagonizing me because I am extremely passionate about my dislike for Bush. Well, he got an email from me putting him in his place, but I think he is still going to vote for Bush. Damn him and Republicans.
Anyhoo, tomorrow night is laguna beach, real world, and elections. I need to watch all 3. In my one class last week, all we talked about was laguna I"m glad I'm not the only one addicted to that show. It's so addicitng!!! Just like Real World. Tonight me and meg watched the SNL Presidential Bash and oh boy it was good! I love the bush and gore impersonations! Genius! I also want the SNL trivial pursuit game, and the 90s one. Lots of games!!
This past weeked was good. Friday I volunteered at the school and they were having a halloween party!! I got to be in the parade! It was fun! I also got to eat lots of food and wtach some of Harry Potter! Then I went to the Ear. It was cool. I love how #280 calls and hangs up because he recognizes me voice...waste of my time. Then, I was so tired so I came back here and relaxed for a bit, then me and megan and sara got ready to go out. My costume was a complete hit! No wardrobe malfucntions!! It was so hot! Thank goodness the weather was good so I didn't freeze at night! My wooden bra stayed on along with my skirt! I was a hula girl for those that don't know. When we were leaving to go out I realized I should have gotten a ukelele! lol! So, the parties we went to were fun! On the way to a party on Charles St. this drunk guy grabbed my face and was like,"where you goin? Come party with us?" and then he was saying,"I"m Morpheus! (from the matrix) But i don't even know my own name right now!" and then his friend who was hot kept stealing my lei and he was saying how he was with his gf for 3.5 years and he caught her cheating on him, like in the act. Who knows, he was drunk. I like meeting drunk people on the street because they are funny. I got lots of compliments on my costume and some mad props for pulling it off. Then, this guy said to me,"you don't have any pants on! Come on, you can come in my pants." He was not hot though. And he would not shut up! He just kept following us down the street. But it was a very fun night!!!
Saturday we went and got Ryan Cabrera tickets and ran into C neal and Brian. Then we watched the game. I hate when people who never went to U of M and have no affiliation with the school think they have a right to bash your school. lol..If you go there, say what you want about State, but, if you got to like Lake Superior State (just an example) then keep your mouth Anyhoo, I hate U of M and am glad I don't go there. But my brothe was at the game in the first row!! The game lasted like 10 years. Poor Drew Stanton, But hey we held our own most of the game. OT and State don't go well together. In the basketlball finals last year when we went into over time against one of the shcools we ended up losng baddly. So, whenever we go into OT I know it's not a good sign. I'm glad I didn't go to Cups Sat night since the power was out!
Oh! on thursday my phone broke so on friday i had to get a new phone. It's red and pimp. It has picture phone and speakerphone and it's cool. I lost all my pics though, which blows. this phone doens't really have good ringers but I love it. And i love you. Adios! Have a good week..Oh yea and if Bush wins or Proposal 2 passes or Bush wins Michigan, I will be mad at the world for a while, espeically at the people who voted for either for them. Just to warn you!