Updates & things!

Jan 09, 2008 09:40

So this is the update!

New things:
Drave is our new roommate! He’s been here roughly a week and a half so far, and it’s been fun! He’s still in the midst of a bunch of unpacking, but I am sure he will be done soon. Thankfully, we have the garage downstairs for storage now so we can put a lot of our extra crap down there to make some extra space. He should be finding a job here soon, and with the extra bonus income we will definitely be able to afford a house in June when we move. Yay house!

That’s really the only new thing. Had a good holiday season, got a new camera. We’re still playing wow, currently raiding 5 nights a week in Mount Hyjal/Black Temple. It’s pretty fun, but we’re going to be taking our Sunday nights off from raiding so we can play D&D a little more regularly with our group.

My family’s Europe trip is confirmed! We leave on 4/7/08 and return 4/29/08! Locations on the hit-list are: Amsterdam, the UK, Paris, Brussels, Berlin, and Prague. We only have 3 weeks and don’t want to sell any place short, so I’ll have to hit southern Europe on my next trip. I’m saving monies for it, but my parents are covering flight, hotels, and train expenses, so anything I bring is for food and goodies. We’re also going to EuroDisney! Wooooohooo! I haven’t been to a Disney park in almost 10 years! Lots of pictures will be had. My mom might bring her laptop so I can update my journal while I’m there with new pics and keep a travelogue. If you have suggestions for attractions or requests for (small) souvenirs, let me know! I am also going to be competing in the Sheffield, UK KOTEI while I am there!!! Bringing the American thunder back on those Brits! If I don’t win, I’ll at least get Farthest Traveled.

We’re also going down to the Dublin, CA Kotei at Who’s on 1st Games on March 1st/2nd. We’re flying in Friday night, doing dinner with the sister and Kelly/Tom, and then the event Saturday. If we make top 16 we may have to play Sunday, but if not that day is free until our flight in the evening! If you’d like to ninja some Morgan+Paul time, let me know!

Anyway, that’s it in the updates department. Still working at my job downtown. Here’s a couple of videos Drave took of the pets for your amusement:

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