Boredom Rantage

Sep 21, 2006 17:28

This is one of those days when I wish I had not bothered to come into work, oh dear god I am so BORED!!!

I was at work till 10 last night going through another grant review that boss wanted me to 'pick apart'. He said lets go over it sometime this morning....its now 5:30pm and I've not seen hide nor hair of him >___> *shakes fists in fustration*

All I've done today is read 3 papers, ordered some more chemicals and help in choosing computers for the lab. Why the hell do we need 4 more desktops?!?! One I can understand but 4? *believes her boss has lost the plot* o.O

Also we're going to get a work study student in. Already have 4 applicants that we're going to interview...this should be interesting I've never been a proper boss before XD;; I wonder how long it will take them to realise that academic reseach is not all its cracked up to be XD;

Ahh well...maybe I'll go look for some data to analyse or something... *wonders if boss has snuck off home*

Its now 9pm and I've just spent the last 2hr 'picking' at that review with the boss D:
This is why I don't get much of a chance to draw/play games/have a life anymore =o=;;
*Gemi reminesces the days of normal working hours*
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