Ocho Octes - TEN DUCK DAY

Oct 08, 2008 14:31

And to think I was possibly going to go to Perry Lakes for lunch, or even stay in the office. Really, on a day like today I'm glad I wasn't stuck inside.

Only at Herdsman lake can you see 10 species of duck in your lunch hour I'm sure.

1. Pacific Black Duck
Mallard (I'm not counting these)
2. Grey Teal
3. Australian Wood Duck
4. Australian Shelduck
5. Pink-eared Duck (with a funny looking duckling)
6. Australasian Shoveller
7. Hardhead
8. Blue-billed Duck
9. Musk Duck
10. FRECKLED DUCK! A single female (or possibly a non-breeding male, but at this time of year males would be in breeding plumage). Just sitting under the melaleuca in front of the carpark with the Pacific Black Ducks, minding her own business.

I is happy now. Sunshine and birdies for lunch.

P.S. I am smitten with Herdsman Fresh.


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