In other news...

Aug 23, 2015 16:23

- I am packing for the Netherlands.
-- I did many loads of laundry today.
-- I have a 180 day unbroken streak of practicing Dutch on Duolingo.

- I have read so much fanfiction lately.
-- Also even some pro fiction which is much rarer for me but I had a lot of time and these ebooks that I bought but never read.
-- Overwhelmingly looking up rare Marvel pairings like Thundershield (Captain America/Thor) and Nick Fury/Anyone (I particularly like when people write him with M from MI6 or Kate Lethbridge-Stewart of UNIT).
-- I often seem to enjoy the process of having opinions about which ones are good more than I end up enjoying the individual stories. I find sorting and ranking things soothing.
-- I continue to find increasing evidence that my strongest and hottest fetish is for clear or clever negotiation. SO HOT.

- I stayed up too late last night watching the Hugos livestream.
-- and picking over the detailed voting statistics.
-- I sometimes have fun having opinions on the internet recreationally, again due to the sorting and ranking aspect.
-- Blocking annoying people on the Twitter #hugoawards hashtag was immensely satisfying from that perspective.
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