Dec 30, 2006 13:38
ok back to my last entry continued
When i got to bath i felt like getting out of my car and driving back to Charlotte. My mom told me she was going to Florida to live for a month. It made me really sad. She kept saying all this stuff about her "depression" like it was some seperate entity and it made me really sad for my childhood. It also reminded me of the time she lived in florida for 3 months? I think it was that long, it felt longer, when i was in 5th grade. So it was just me, partick, elizabeth and my dad at home. We had so much fun with my dad during that time. I remember it was during lent and every friday he would take us to Burger King, and tell us not to tell our mother that we had meat and he would get the fish sandwhich, and then we would go to Pick-A-Flick, rent a movie and hang out with our dad. I always thought that was cool.
I'm also realizing too that my parents let us watch any movie we wanted to when we were younger. I dont ever recall going to the rental place with my dad and getting some movie like "sponge bob square pants" or anything like that. he used to get movies for us that made you have to think. I like that tactic.
So i got off that crap, and sat around till about 7 with my brother, and i believe that is when our mom told us to go to church.
Patrick texted Sarah from across the church and asked her why she was looking at her cell phone in church. Unfortnatly she didn't see that till after church.
Ew. I hate church.
Then I fell asleep. I woke up to a message from heather that said "wake up you sleepy girl". I kind of wondered how she knew I was sleeping. Then i remembered it was Bath.
The next night there was a big Party at lexis. That was awesome. Also see facebook.
Travis was there, he told me i have a small nose now. ugh huh.
Then it was christmas time and I had to do family stuff that seemed to last for about 3 says traight. starting with the day because Christmas Eve. Christmas night I had to go to Laurens and get out of my house. I went there and we talked about how this was like the 4th Christmas now that I've gone to the Latour residence on christmas night to eat their left overs and drink their wine. Then Heather and Sermonis and Stephen and Bethie left with patrick, and then Stine was there and she left and Jimmy and Taylor. We smoked out of the Hookah.
I caught Stephen talking about someone and how they had had 3 DUI's and they ride a bike around town now because they lost their liecense. This person also resemebles Splinter from the Ex-Files (The man in the backround that used to chain smoke) and he wears a patch of his eye. When I asked who he was talking about he told me it was Mr. Mease, you know the mouse....
He kept saying really weird random things like that. It was halarious.
I woke up the next morning on laurens floor to Stephen pacing back and forth through her living room like a maniac. Me, nate and LT all had a certain disregaurd for him until i finally told him to sit down. he kept touching his forehead to. Those damn steve taylor manorisms.
The next night I watched the Black Dhalia with dave. That was a weird one.
Then the next night Bethany came over and Patrick and I made her dinner. Then Jamie, heather and Lexi came over and we all went to Elliots house. Liam as there and he kept picking me up. I kept calling him Skliam, And we talked about how crazy madeleine is and how much fun she was when we were in 8th grade and how she really is a freaking cool woman. Elliotts dad kept calling Elliot a fuckhead, and he just laughed. Also how did I not know Elliot dates the Oest girl? weird...Anyways that was a really fun night. We listened to Finch, and Third eye blind and the chicken noodle soup song. Beth got dog shit in Jamies car.
My sister then freaked out the next morning because Elizabeth said we were loud meh meh meh.
I hate this town.
I really love my friends here.
I feel like I can completely relate to them on a different level then my friendsin Charlotte and I'm not really sure why. It's not that i dont have good conversation with my friends in CHarlotte but they just always scrunch their nose and say i'm weird.
For instance last night we were talking about mass popular culture and how it extremely effects how movies are made and what kinds of movies do well and for what reasons. And we were bringing up old literary works from the 1800's and how they are still influencial today.
If we were talking about that in Charlotte my friends would probably spear me.
And i hate the rap music.
It's mindless Banter.
And friends with the gramatically incorrect.
If you want to listen to Hip-hop would it be possible for just once to listen to a song and not hear the n word every 10-15 seconds?
ok i neeedd to finish this one will finish in a few hours...