Nov 10, 2008 21:59
I'm going to graduate in May, and I don't know what I'm going to do. I take the GRE's on Monday and I have pitfully studied during a boring class I take on Friday mornings when I'm usually hung over and feel like causing a scene. I want to start working, because I want to start making money. I don't want to start working because everything is going to change and Im not sure if I want all of that right now. But i'm so sick of University. I do want to start working so that I can start a masters and start with a possible additional $20,000. I don't want to start a masters because I doubt my ever decreasing motivation and the every increasing mass of college loans that could possible equal +$100,000. I do want to start a masters because I think in engineering I will not be taken seriously as a female without a masters. Plus saying I have a masters of science in Structural Engineering could sound pretty bad ass...set aside all the stuff I wouldn't have to do for it, lets face it, that sound prit-tee bad ass my friends. bad ass.
I just heard that a fiend's mom, and coincidently my neightbor has a brain tumor, 4 of them. It's not fair, she has small childeren at home. Sometimes I wish I could go to med school and go into research. I don't think good people should have to die because they randomly have a genetic predisposition to something that we are all completely unaware of.
I just booked a plane ticket home. I'm going to be home from Dec. 20- Jan 5. That is the longest amount of time I have been home since I was a freshmen. I'm not sure what I'm oging to do that whole time. I know that we are trying to plan a trip to NYC because Wheeler will be in town, and because everyone else got to do it last year but of course I was toooo young to go:-( It's so crazy to realize that this might be the last x-mas that I'm home when things may be what i precieve to be normal. In a year people might not be able to come home because of work, spouses, family. ugh.
This is the first Thanksgiving that I won't be with my family. My last Thanksgiving in NY was 3 years ago. The past 2 years i've been going to ML's. I want to go to her place. Next year I'm breaking for her place as soon as I can. I think I'm going to go home with my very southern country friend Kari for a good'ol south carolina thanksgiving..I'm excited! haha
Carl and I broke up. I kind of miss him.