Oct 09, 2007 23:23
so october break this year was spent sleeping, going to the dead body museum, reading, doing an insane amount of homework, hanging out with a friend from work. and well that was it. My homework is kind of done. and thats all I have to say for it. wish I could have gone to NY.
So let me tell you about "Body World" at discovery place in downtown charlotte. I am still attempting to shake the funk it put me in. I was in that disgusting thing for an hour and a half and when I got out of it I seriously rushed to the exit and say on the cornor of 5th and College street just trying to make sense of the world again. It was the strangest thing ever. It will compeletely change how you look at everything. And if not dead bodies, just watching the peoples reactions, or lack there of, was impressive enough.
I litterally felt overwhelmingly sick when I got out and sat outside trying to obtain "fresh air" mean while I can see all these little kids and middle aged fathers walking out of the exhibit, stopping to get food and scard down popcorn like it was going to disapear if it was no consumed at an overly obnoxious rate.
I still can't eat.
Carls girlfriend sent me some mean messages online. That made me feel weird.
Tomorrow i am supposed to go to Forum, where I have not been in approzimatly 2 years, 2 years ago being the time I got arrested, being the worst experience of my life. I do not want to go. But it is Annies birthday and various other girl friends turning 21 years of age and I feel guilty that I have not been able to hang out with anyone for a while now. School consumes too much of my time, and I have not been out on a Friday night now in over a month. Yes. I. Madeleine Grimmer. So you can imagine my apprehension approaching tomorrow evening.
Saturday is supposed to be the culmination party for everyones birthday at Jon Lottis.
I verbally expressed to colleen and my other roomates/annie my aspiration to wake up alive and functioning by Sunday. I'm getting too old for this stuff.
Well. I'm off. tomorrow is going to be a long day and I can only hope that by this time tomorrow I am still a free citizen of society.