Dec 05, 2004 20:44
Okay, this isn't *really* the ghetto (that would be South Dallas; I live in Oak Cliff), but my creativity brain cells died several weeks ago. Ghetto was the first word that came to my mind - what's left of it.
Sad, really.
Still haven't been online a lot lately, so I've missed out on a LOT LJ-wise. Playing catch-up is hard with a tempermental hard drive and power to my room cutting out at odd times. DAMN that electrician for wiring everything in the house to two fuses!!! Though I think I have to take a good chunk of the blame for all the power outages that have been happening, what with accidentally spilling my cat's full water bowl on the surge protector my computer's plugged into several months ago. Could be coincidence, but...*shrug*
I'll be at the tender mercies of my Southern California family for Christmas this year. After a mix-up or two and waiting a bit too long, I'm booked to fly out there the 21st and return the 27th. I was shooting for just staying Christmas weekend (Friday through Monday) in Moreno Valley, but with airline prices jumping up before my slow-ass computer could finish submitting my request, the ticket price I could afford with the money my dad sent me dictated that I'll be out there for almost a week. Nothing wrong with that since I haven't been out that way in two years...I just don't want to get caught in the middle of my semi-feuding Catholic grandmother and Fundamental Baptist father. Oy. I also hope my bosses and co-workers don't hate me *too* much for missing most of that week before Christmas Day. They said it was alright and what's done is done, but what they say and what they mean isn't always the same thing.
With the moods I'm in some days, I'm of the selfish opinion that since I haven't had a raise in almost three years, they can kiss my big black fanny.
Other things of note, both trivial and important:
* I've drawn one complete picture in the past month and a half. I'd count the poster I did for work as completed artwork #2 (advertising that we cater and deliver), but I think it sucks mildewy rocks from the bottom of an abandoned well. A five-year old could have done better. Too bad anime and Cajun food don't mix that well - then the poster *might* have been better.
*The limit on my Target card went up, so that'll help for Christmas shopping (which must needs be done next weekend, or the weekend after at the latest). I wonder if I'll get any extra bonus points for having paid on that card three times in the past two weeks...
*I'm happy that I'll be able to get Christmas gifts this year. Not a lot, and not for everybody I'd like to, but at least I'm doing *something* this year.
*I spent $80 on Christmas cards for family and friends on Friday. And I still have a few more to get.
*I've stopped needing my knee brace for the nonce.
*I *think* I've lost some weight.
*With me and mom working together this weekend, the living room is starting to look like a living room, and not a storage unit.
*Sometimes I forget how cool my mom is. ^_^ Thanksgiving weekend and this weekend reminded me.
*Whatever it takes, I'm going to save up to see Cirque du Soleil next year when they come to Dallas.
*I'm sick of this browser and its problems. I need to take the time out to download Netscape or something.
*Still have more to do to make sure that business with somebody stealing my TX driver's license number to write bad checks to Wal-mart last year is totally taken care of. I'm just getting my credit up into the "good" category, and I have no wish to go to jail.
*The downtown Dallas post office SUCKS when it comes to mailing packages internationally with a minimum of fuss and stress. I much prefer the main post office off of I-30, but unfortunately, there's no buses that go there.
*Apparently I'll be getting a cell phone for Christmas when I get to California. ^___^ Depending on the plan I get (and can afford), I'll be able to stay and/or get in touch with folks easier. Still have more research to do, though.
*To alla youse guys: I miss ya, and hope you're all doing well. My apologies for not staying in touch with not only the out-of-town friends, but the ones who live relatively nearby.