roll out

Aug 08, 2011 11:35

What a weekend it has been.

I went to Cake Craft for the first time. It's a cake decorating supply store. I'd never been. Basically, it's heaven lol... They have huge bottles of airbrush food coloring, dummy cakes, icing bags, piping tips, cake pans, cake fillings, cookie and candy supplies, pre cut boards in every size, icing, fondant, tons of decorations... it was basically heaven. I went kind of crazy and some how spent like $40 on food coloring, cake boards, cookie cutters and some lemon cake filling they promised me was out of this world yummy.
This was my prize though:

I was so excited when I saw it!
I told Jannell at the coffee shop this morning about it and she got stoked too. She said if I can get a great recipe and bust out some Ohio cookies, she'll see them in the pastry case! Awesome sauce!

Yesterday, we rode our bikes to Troy. It's a 50 mile round trip. We packed our little slim backpacks with flip flops, a change of clothes and a few other things and off we went.

Took us about an hour and 40 minutes to get into Troy. The path was just great.
We went to Brian's parents house and hung out with them a while. Then we went and got burgers and ice cream! While we were eating, it started POURING rain. Oh no! The trees outside were blowing sideways! We killed some time at the store buying some Good Sport (all natural gatorade type drink), and some gel shots and stuff. The rain died down and we headed home.

Well- the clear skies were short lived lol. We rode about 10 miles in the rain, but to be honest, it was kind of fun. Thankfully we were properly equipped and I was able to stash my iphone in my back pack. It has a waterproof pouch inside. Thank god for cycling specific gear lol...

About 16 miles in, there was an incident though lol.
I was rounding a corner, Brian was in front of me and suddenly, a fucking ground hog came out of no where. A HUGE FAT GIGANTIC ground hog. It ran right between my wheels!!! I SCREAMED. I couldn't do anything. I was wearing my clip in shoes and as it ran under me, it got wedged between my foot and my back tire. The ground was wet. I was sliding and skidding and there was a goddamn ground hog stuck between my foot and my tire. I was trying to keep my cool and managed to unclip my left shoe. I threw my foot down just in time to balance myself and not fall over. The very upset ground hog immediately popped out from beneath me and limped off under the bushes so fast it was like he was never there.
Brian had NO idea what was happening. He probably thought I was dying because I was just shrieking my face off. We have no idea how I didn't fall. And seriously, if I would have, I'd have fallen to the left, pinning the ground hog basically under my bike frame and my legs. It probably would have been a huge mess of blood,fur, teeth, claws and possibly some piss and shit. Who knows. Animals do crazy things when in peril. Either way, thank god I have the balance of an Olympic gymnast or some shit and managed to stay on my bike.
In any case, I was so upset about smooshing that fat furry fuck that my entire body was violently shaking and twitching for about ten minutes while I tried to calm down by eating my energy gel shot and drinking some water.

We continued home and let me tell you, I have never felt so gross in my life!

These photos don't even do justice to how filthy I was. My legs were covered in crud and mud and my clothes were soaking wet. It was kind of hilarious and gross...

Then we decided to go get some booze. We took a family car trip to get some Wendy's. We rarely eat fast food, but what the hell. We rode 50 miles lol. Eddy LOVES food windows and practically tried to crawl into the restaurant. He gets really disappointed when he's with us at drive up bank or pharmacy windows lol. He's still expecting noms.

Then we hit Belmont Party supply for some booze!

I've never known another place in my life that sells as many single bottle selections :)

I found these amazing ciders! They're 8% and they're made in Indiana! And in aluminum bottles. I tried the apple peach and the apple strawberry. They were DELICIOUS!

There was also an apple raspberry and a regular apple. They were $4 a bottle, but well worth it. I also got a four pack of strong bow. I drank these two and a strong bow and was drunk texting all through watching Sin City haha. I was yelling at the tv and laughing. It was a lot of fun. For real.

So when I woke up to the room spinning at 8am, I knew I needed coffee and coffee cake from PRESS before work today haha.

What a weekend.

cake, food, biking, drinkning, brian, family, cider, eddy, troy, bike paths

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