Oh what a weekend!

Jun 05, 2011 12:07

Friday was a night! What a night it was. First Brian and I had dinner at Blind Bob's. They finally put Original Sin on tap. And I drank pint number one... I'll try to recall the details from here, but it's a bit fuzzy lol. Brian and I went on a scooter ride and it was just awesome out! Then we headed home and Brian had to do sound at the bar, so he headed back to Bob's. I stayed home for a bit and Crystal popped over with her friend Nate and walked over to the bar and I had pint number two.
This band that was going on when we got there was a band I totally hated. The lead singer and I have beef. He's a cocky asshole and I made fun of him on twitter. It was a long story from there where I wouldn't back down on what I said about him... blah blah blah we hate each other. I kept telling people I was going to get drunk and brawl him hahaha. I did not. For the record. Didn't say a word to him haha.
I hung outside with Crystal and Nate for a while on the patio and talked to some old friends about old times.
Then it was time for the zombie walk! I didn't take any photos, wish I would have.
You can see some here: http://www.facebook.com/daytonzombiewalk?sk=photos
The very best guy was dressed in a full suit, had PERFECT make up, a brief case with papers hanging out of it and was RUNNING FULL SPEED. And stayed totally in character and looked fucking angry as hell the entire time. I caught him at the bar later and gushed to him over and over about how he was the BEST zombie on 5th street. And then he growled at me.

So then I went to the bar for pint number 3. That's when Nightbeast went on stage... YEEAAAHHH. Stood up front with Katie and danced and sang along. Awesomeness. Then right after he was done singing, the rest of my girls showed up. Squeal fest... hugging... dancing... stood at the bar and ordered pint number four.
We decided we would go to Club Vex down the street for goth night. Because why not?
We tried to chug our drinks which was an awful idea. haha.

Then we ran up the street to Vex. Justin took his wristband and gave it to me so I could get in lol. The girls and I ran in drunkenly to the dance floor and started dancing our tails off. They started playing thriller. The entire room was full of fog, strobe lights and lasers. There are cages hanging in the corners of the rooms... the four of us saw an open one and piled in. I fell getting in haha. We danced like crazy people as insane industrial music was blasting all around us. We were sweating and grinding on each other and it was just a hilarious drunken mess.

After a while we couldn't breath and had to climb down and go outside. That's where everyone on the patio were evidently watching a group of about five or six people basically all making out and dry humping each other. It was a complete train wreck. We posed in front of them for photos like tourists in front of the Eiffel Tower. It was so funny.

It was something. I'll tell ya... ah man...

Eventually I was tired and wandered home.
I think these photos describe the night:

I don't even... yeah... lol I don't know.

Anyhow. Somehow, managed to get up early enough to be at the Saturday metro parks bike ride at 9:00am Saturday!
I rode with my road shoes and it was a great ride. We did a trail we haven't really done and there was another guy there who was doing his first ride with his shoes. He said he fell twice already. lol
The only bad part was that it rained a bit while we were riding, never where we were, but it made a lot of mud and when we rode back through, I got covered in mud since I wasn't on my bike with fenders. omg... so muddy.

We went home and showered, then grocery shopped for tons of lovely delicious foods!

After that, we hopped on the scooter for a ride and went to the Paddle in the Park even at Eastwood park. For free, you got a kayaking lesson!

It was a ton of fun! We had a great time. It was something we have casually discussed trying, but now I think we're really going to try to do it some time!
It was great. I love Dayton.

After that, we hopped on the scooter and rode around to some other parks, then to Carrilon park for kite flying!

After that, we got rainbow sherbet at UDF.

What a day what a day! We made burgers at home and chilled for a while. Crystal came over to ride, but when we got outside it started to CRAZY storm. We had to go back in and lay low for a while. We didn't get back out. It was pouring and thunder and lightning for hours.

Went to bed around two am and got up at 9:30 to ride bikes again.
not sure what today has in store! But we'll see!!!

friends, biking, scooter, blind bob's, brian, fun, photos, adventures, bike paths, dayton

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