Saturdays Worlds Away

May 30, 2011 00:19

I gave tomorrow off from work so today was like Saturday for us. It was nice. This has been a pretty good weekend.
On Friday I worked at the bar and I did my hair and makeup just because it was my first night back at the bar and I wanted to feel like I had my shit together.

We worked the battle of the bands. Then Saturday we went for an early bike ride then we had brunch before I got my tattoo done. After that, we did a bit more biking and then worked round two battle of the bands at tge bar.

This morning we got up and rode. We only did 8 miles because it was SO hot. I almost threw up. I felt awful. The sun was crazy bright and it was in the 80s. I was not happy.

We met Hef and Josh for lunch at the 5th St Deli and they have a new summer menu with tasty sandwiches. After that, some light grocery shopping and ice cream!

Nothing better on a hot day like today!
Afterward we went to Press for the first time in months and I had a wonderful latte. Brian had a pour over. It was all just great. I missed that place so bad.

We had everyone up for a cook out on the roof. It was the first time we've all been together before all the bad stuff. It was so great to be with everyone.

Kelly's mom had her bring me a ton of oatmeal! I said on Facebook how I was trying to find oatmeal that's good for you and doesn't taste like tree bark lol. I love Kelly's mom!

And Todd gave us tickets to the baseball game Tuesday night because he has season tickets, but he's going to a reds game that night. We're stoked because we never get to go to games. We live two blocks from the stadium, but never go!

Hef and Karen talked about how we were going to go swimming tons this summer. After everyone left, I tried on my swim suit. And honestly... For maybe the first time ever, I didn't freak out.

I'm not upset about that at all. :)

Well, now I'm in bed and ready to snooze out with the boy and the dog.

So glad to have another day off tomorrow. So incredibly thankful for that.

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