Fall Trip

Sep 30, 2010 11:05

Every year we take a fall trip with Brian's parents.

Some of you might remember my old scooter...

I loved that damn thing, but I had to sell it when we moved back to Ohio.

Well, I was sort of bitter about it foreeeever. lol, long story.

Anyhow, Brian's parents then got one. A really nice one. They've had it for a while now and last week they got a new one. A nicer one. Well, they offered us their first one.
I don't have a photo. So whatever, it looks sort of like this:


It's actually been a great asset to us. Brian has been riding it to work and back while he works with Micah at the recording studio in Troy. It costs a fraction of how much it would cost to drive the car. Now we have a nice alternative to driving the car on trips that are too long to bike, but maybe not long enough we'd have to take the car out.

Anyhow, this year's fall adventure will be a scooter trip in South Ohio. We're just going to ride the scooters through some lovely wooded areas. It should be fun.

I always love our fall trips. Fall is my favorite time of year. We always get apples. And then I make pies! Om nom nom!
We're bringing Eddy on the RV with us. He won't be able to go on the scooter rides, but he should be more than comfortable on the RV.
Here's some photos from past years:

I hope this year is just as fun as every other year:)
I got knee high wool socks and some sweet ass Isotoner gloves. They're awesome! I've been wanting a pair forever!

Can't wait for the weekend!

fun, photos, fall trip, fall, eddy, trip, family

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