More than meets the eye

Sep 22, 2010 10:45

I made this for a girl to give her boyfriend for his birthday. I won't tell you what I charged her for it because I was absurdly nice and after she told me what her budget was, I decided it would just look better as a 10x10 cake than as the original smaller cake I had planned.
This photo is pretty underwhelming, but the cake looks better IRL haha. The purple is really purple. Also, the cake inside is purple!

Yesterday, Brian got me a gift...

A Brooks saddle. *swoon*

They're supposed to be the most comfortable saddles. They're leather. You wear them in like a catcher's mitt. You condition them once a year and as you ride, they form to your sit bones for a custom fit. Should be the most comfortable ride ever. I'll be a bit sore on it for the first 50-100 miles, but that shouldn't be too long. I'm excited about it.

It was funny because Brian picked up the box and started to un-package it to put it on and I stopped him and said "No! I have a blog... things have to be done a certain way!" And proceeded to half open, take a photo, remove the saddle, take a photo etc hahaha. He thinks I'm crazy.

He asked me what else I want for my bike. I want new brake levers with new black hoods, I want new brakes that... well... brake a little better. And then I said I wanted a new wheel set. I'd never mentioned this before and he looked at me strange and asked what I wanted. I had a really hard time trying to explain what I wanted. I don't know anything about components! I just know what I think looks cool haha.
I pulled up some photos of racing bikes on google and showed him the high walled rims I like the look of. Turns out what I want are racing wheels or deep-v wheels. And they're hella expensive. Like $500+ And when I looked for them online, I found everyone bashing them as "hipster" wheels if you aren't a racer. Boo. So what I want (based on nothing but what I thought looked cool) turns out to be really expensive and "hip" right now haha. But seriously, a black set would look fucking sweet on my bike! Oh well. lol

cake, bike parts, photos, biking, bike, brooks, bike saddle

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