I want to start by saying yesterday was one of the best days I have ever had. Like... ever! We started out by going to the Taste of Troy.
Booths from all the local restaurants come set up downtown and you buy tickets. Then you get food for the tickets at all the places. It's fun to try little bits of everything and find the best value for your money.
We ate there for a while and hung out with the family. It was the hottest day in weeks and I got a horrible sunburn. I wasn't upset though. I was having too much fun!
After Taste of Troy we went to a petting zoo! A really cool petting zoo!!
This weekend a set of tigers were there from a traveling zoo exhibit! They aren't usually there. So it was cool to see them. They were really gorgeous. Obviously, you didn't get to pet the tigers lol, but they were nice to watch. I was happy to see they seemed to be having a lot of fun. They were romping and playing and rolling around and it was just cool.
The girls LOVED the animals. Sophia was my little buddy all day. She held my hand and walked with me. She would keep saying "Tiffany, Tiffany, let's go look at this now!" She's so sweet and polite. I love her soo much.
The main attraction at this petting zoo is a giraffe named Sam!! He was AMAZING! What a gentle giant. He was friendly, gentle and playful. He LOVED people and loved being fed treats. He would let you pet his big soft nose and his big giant legs. He would come right up to you and lick you or nuzzle you. He was like 20 feet tall haha. It was basically one of the most amazing things I have ever experienced.
The camels were also ridiculously friendly. This one would try to kiss me every chance it got. I'd turn for a second and it would just slop it's big wet nose and tongue right on the side of my face. It was sooo gross hahaha
There was a prairie dog that LOVED us!
And so many other fun things
After the petting zoo, we went to Skate World! Hahaha. It was so much fun and almost everyone showed up. It was really great. Old friends, new friends and of course, our best friends!
Most of us were HORRIBLE at skating haha. It was a lot of fun though!
We probably looked a mixture of awesome and ridiculous to the kids there hahaha.
Well, the cake was epic though!
After the skating rink, we went back to our place for drinks.
It was great, Brian got drunk. At some point I served microwaved hot dogs and random hunks of bread. (We were drunk... and hungry haha. I found something in the fridge and made it!)
And I made Josh do the Pyrat rum challenge. Which... I will post the video of and explain later.
Anyway, Brian said it was his best birthday ever. Which makes me really happy :)
My life can be preeeettty awesome sometimes.