Okay, so people who read this are always telling me I do lots of exciting things. I do think I do lots of crazy stuff and I would never complain and say my life is boring... but some times... I have weekends like this one. Where I cannot deny the complete and utter insanity of my life. My life can be SO weird and unpredictable and I mean... I just love it. Really.
So... Saturday was whatever, I worked all day and then I went home and made dinner then went to work at the bar. I will say that work was actually fun at the bar. We had a good time. The show was a big hit and we had lots of people. I got off around 1:20am and managed to get the very last can of Strong Bow in the bar at last call!
The next morning, I got up and showered and what not. Katie came over and we hung out. Then we went to KFC and BASHED some chicken and potatoes and sodas. Then we went to a baby shower.
I made this for Kristen:
It was made of 80 rolled up Pampers swaddlers size one, baby wipes, an eco friendly baby bottle, a bib, some little snack cups with lids, coupons and lots of cute paper, ribbon, tissue paper and some decorations. It turned out even cuter than I'd hoped. I loved it.
At the baby shower, we ate little tiny sandwiches and crackers and cheese and cake and chocolates and drank tons of punch.
Then... we had to go to Katie's uncle's house to get her dad's credit card. Then she tells me... he lives on AN ALPACA FARM. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??? YOU'RE TAKING ME TO AN ALPACA FARM???
I almost exploded. I mean... have you SEEEEEN alpacas???
I was IN LOVE.
I mean... jkhsfsdhfkjsdahfah!!!! LOOK AT THEM!!! They are so freaking cute!
Then Katie and I drove back to Dayton singing 90s alt rock at the top of our lungs. We had such a blast!
After that, I went shopping and got some things we needed for the house.
Then I went home and started making a little cake for my ahamoment.com interview. As I was finishing up, Brian called and asked if I wanted to ride bikes. I said sure.
When we passed the Double Tree- there it was!
Sitting in front of the hotel was the ahamoment.com trailer. I snapped a photo and we rode around a bit more.
This morning I got up and had my interview! I brought my cake as a prop.
The interview was A LOT of fun. They ended up asking me to take off my glasses because there was a lot of glare on them in the camera shot. It made it kind of awkward, but over all it was super legit and fun. Lots of fancy cameras and lights and stuff. I cut open the cake to show them the inside was purple and white zebra stripe!
I talked about why I started making cakes and what happened when I made my first cake. I talked about how it's helped me find myself as a person and tap into my creativity.
I had so much fun and didn't feel camera shy at all. Then they took photos of me talking and laughing and holding my cake and stuff.
I even got to keep the clapboard!!! I was so excited about that! I will post a photo of it later lol
I will get a link to my interview some time in the next 30 days! I can't wait to see it. I am very excited.
Also! Today we are getting a washer and dryer! I am SO STOKED. We have always had one before, so the past year and a half has really annoyed me. I hate having to drag our laundry to the other building. It makes it such a hassle. I've gone as far as heaping the heavy baskets on my office chair and pushing it across the little corridor to the other building lol.
I'm using the money from the wedding cake to get them. We're buying a shitty refurbished/used set from some sketchy place in the 'ridge. But for $165 DELIVERED AND SET UP with a 90 day warranty, I don't really care if they're from 1992 or something lol Whatever. I just want to do laundry in my apartment!
I feel like I'm forgetting something... but I don't know. I'm sure it will come to me later.