Jesus on fire

Jun 15, 2010 12:45

Yesterday was a bad day.

I had awful cramps all day. I wanted to rip out my uterus and stomp it to death. Then I found out we weren't going to be able to go on vacation. My mother in law hurt her back. She is unable to go and we can't afford it alone.
This trip meant... well, it meant the world to me. Jersey is my home. Jersey is my childhood. My family, my best friend Stew... the ocean. It meant A LOT to me. I was really upset. I was depressed and anxious and just... bummed out. It's not any one's fault. If anything, it's our own fault for not having the money to afford it alone.

I was bummed. We went on a bike ride. We were talking about it and I literally was half crying while we were riding bikes. I wanted to go to c-bar, but Brian refuses to go to "that hipster bar." Whatever. We went to J Allen's. I had a white russian and we played pool. Finally, I convinced him to go to C-Bar. Tim was bartending and I finally got to introduce him to Brian. It was kind of nice. Brian got to see that they DO have the best juke box in Dayton and we had white russians and just chilled. I was finally feeling better about the day a little when I realized it was POURING rain outside. FUCK. We split another white russian and waited for it to stop. Tim looked, but they didn't have any plastic bags or anything, so we decided to just get on our bikes anyway and try to stand so we wouldn't have to put our asses on the wet seats. Didn't really work and it was still raining. I got SOAKED in the two block ride home. Like completely drenched, as if I had been submerged in water.
Not my day.
We got home and did the dumbest thing possible and ordered Cousin Vinny's pizza.

Soon after, I got that text that changed my mood. It was a little after midnight...

"He was hit by lightning and he's ON FIRE!"

*vvvvvvvvvvvvrrrrrrrrrtttt* (<---read that like the record stop scratch... you know what I'm talking about)
---time out---
Some of you might remember this post I made back in 2007 about Touch Down Jesus. He's a 62 foot tall jesus torso *cough*monster*cough* that rests in the middle of a pond in front of the Solid Rock Church off of I-75 just south of me.
It cost half a million dollars and has been a laughing stock to people in the tri-state area. It's horrifying and just plain ridiculous. There is an entire website dedicated to photoshopping the whole thing with crazy stuff. It's awesome. My favorite is one of the earlier ones where a guy photoshops himself into a hot tub with it.
Annnyway, people have come up with all kinds of names for it: Big Butter Jesus (it looks like it's made of butter), Touch down jesus etc.
The guy who runs the church is an ASSHOLE and everyone thinks $500,000 could have been better spent feeding homeless people or starving children. Or ANYTHING else really. He's a tv preacher and I've dealt with him in business and he's a fucking jerk. Seriously.

---ok back to the story---

SO... last night... lightning finally struck this abomination.

image Click to view

And it burned to the freaking ground.

I hate to say it, but finding this out made me do a 180 from my crappy mood.
Twitter and facebook exploded. Katie sent me a photo on my phone of a little fireball in the distance from I-75. Everyone was talking about it. Everyone was so glad it was finally gone. EVERYONE HATED IT.

As if it's not bad enough that it was there in the first place, they have already vowed to rebuild! And it's estimated there's $700,000 in damages. COME ON.

big butter jesus, jesus, biking, brian, drinking, stupid, fire, vacation, solid rock church, touchdown jesus, act of god, wtf, lightning, jallens, brimstone, upset, c-bar

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