sink into me

Aug 01, 2009 09:51

I made my cake yesterday for the Thread Cakes contest. Am I 100% happy with it? It could be twice as good and I'd still say no lol. But, for all the trouble it gave me, it turned out as well as it could. I made it hard on myself when I couldn't do it the way I wanted to and I made up some crazy way of accomplishing my task that made it take twice as long as it should have. There's a million things I'd do different if I did it all again, but it was good practice.
Here's my cake entry, with 24 photos and a bio on the cake process.

I think I'm still going to do one more! I didn't realize that making a three tier cake would put me in the 3D catagory. I felt like this was a 2-D design :/ Soo... yeah, I'd like to make another cake to enter, either a full on 2-D cake or a full on 3-D cake.

Until then, I have SO MUCH CAKE. So yeah, everyone come over and eat cake tomorrow!! I'm working on eating some as I type this haha. It's dark chocolate cake with chocolate chips. So good.

Also, today will be a good day because when I got here there was no receptionist. The phone kept ringing and I was nervous we wouldn't have a receptionist today! Eep! Then I looked at the schedule... Cindy has been scheduled to cover the reception desk upstairs ALL DAY today!! YESSSS. A Saturday without Cindy right next to me is a total dream come true.

I work at the bar tonight too... and I didn't go to bed until like 3am, so I'm absurdly tired now.

*edit* THANK YOU to everyone who has said so many nice things about my cake! Sometimes it's hard to appriciate them for what they are after I get so intimate with every tiny crack and crumble. You guys always make me smile :)

contest, cake, three tier, threadcakes, fondant

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