family day

Jul 12, 2009 23:43

Today didn't go the way I planned, but it went pretty well. We drove to ikea which didn't go well... we could not return the blanket and then brian and I bickered a bunch and just left. How pointless!!!! We drove 40 minutes to be in the store for 15 minutes. Ugh.
His parents were driving through west chester on their way home from somewhere further south. They got off at the ikea exit and met us for lunch. We went to red robin and I got the royale red robin burger (of course). We stuffed our faces.

Then suddenly everyone decided we needed to go swimming. Oh geez okay... this meant I had to buy a swim suit. Greeeaaat. its the same every summer, Im given like 20 minutes at fuckin walmart and expected to find something so we can omghurryupandgo. I hate what I got but whatever. Evidently it was on clearance and only cost me $13 so I don't really have to wear it ever again.

Brians brother and lisa brought the girls and we all met at the pool.

Oh my god... I love my nieces so damn much. Sophia just makes my life. She's so amazing. She loves me so darn much and it kills me. She's amazing. Her little face lights up and she smiles and giggles and bounces around. She could be my whole world. I swear. She's wonderful.

And lauren. She's so darn tiny, I always think im going o break her lol, but brian and I hung out in 2 feet of water with her, letting her feet dangle in the water, making her giggle and she loved it.

We want a baby in our lives so badly. Brian is so damn good with the girls... I don't know. Sometimes it hurts to kiss them on their cheeks and say goodbye. I want to be with them always. I love them more then they know.

And tori, I cannot believe she's going to be a teenager next year. Its crazy. She's such a little woman. She's so good with her little sisters. She's grown up so much in the 6 years I've known her.

After the pool, we decided to get food. I suggested KFC because I always eat grilled chicken there on sundays. Its my new ritual lol. Everyone thought that sounded good, but then we made a wrong turn and somehow we changed our minds and went to olive garden.

I'd like to take a moment to say I think I make better food than the olive garden does, but whatever, it was so much food and for the second time, I was full out of my mind.

Brians parents paid for lunch, the pool and dinner. Which was just wow.

After such a long day im sore, tired and in bed snuggled with eddy watching jelly fish on the discovery channel.

So tired. Probably won't make it until 1am for futurama.

lisa, lauren, family, jeff, in laws, swimming, pool, ikea, tori, sophia

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