
Jun 25, 2009 08:53

morning again, they always come so much faster than I'd like... I never want to get out of bed some days. The place I'm in when I first wake up every morning is the best place on earth. Laying here all comfy and warm, snuggled up with Brian and both of my lovely adorable animals. They're still snuggled against my leg as I type this... I could stay here forever. Wish I could.

Yesterday after work, I walked to the bar to meet Brian. He was setting up the new sound system.
On the way there, I ran into one of the drum teachers from my job. He looked at me like I was a space alien. I was wearing a t-shirt. He just kind of stood there and gawked at me. I tried to make some small talk, but he was obviously kind of not listening to me talking and just kind of gawking at my arms. He seemed genuinely upset that I have all these tattoos. I guess it's a bit shocking to think about how I've been working there since October and he's never seen them. I'm sure in his head he was doing a million mental flash backs and realizing he really never has seen me without long sleeves on. He was really taken back by the whole thing. He's probably in his 50's. After asking how many I had and gawking at me a bit longer, he kind of shook his head in disbelief and walked away, in some sort of state of awe, I think I heard him mumble something about 'mutilation' lol... ah well. This was bound to happen eventually.

After Brian and Alex hooked up the sound system, we went shopping. I got this AMAZING dessert at Dorothy Lane Market.

It was, hands down, one of the best things I have EVER eaten. Which is serious business. The decorations on top were white chocolate, the shell it was in was also white chocolate... the filling, was this AMAZING, wonderful raspberry chocolate mousse... there was a raspberry glaze on top and just when I thought it couldn't get any better... there was a thin layer of raspberry cake at the bottom. I pretty much felt like I was having mind-blowing sex the whole time I was eating it. Holy god it was so good. It was $5 and about the size of the palm of my hand, but I wold pay $10 for it. I'm serious. It was SO good.

edit: here's most of their desserts from the case. Though the other two I want to try aren't pictured here! There's one with layers of banana and chocolate and one you can see to the left in my photo with crazy rings on top!

Now, I love/hate Dorothy Lane Market... everything there is AMAZING. The produce, the meat, the cheese, the everything... it's all fresh and delicious and a lot of it is local stuff...
but I get in there and I go nuts. And then we come home with two bags of groceries that we paid $90 for. No joke.

Omg, I can't wait to open the blue corn chips with sesame seeds in them though!

tattoos, dlm, work, dessert

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