I made a cake tonight, just because I haven't made one since last week.
My first purse cake. It turned out "okay." I'm not 100% happy with it, but it's just little things. I wish I would have gone with a more creative shape haha. The "cake-cut-in-half-stacked-and-set-on-it's-side" thing doesn't seem very creative or original. Oh well.
It was also my first time doing a quilted pattern. For some reason, I assumed this would be easy, which was silly, because it wasn't haha. I mean, it could have been, on a flat surface, but I got confused as I spun the cake, trying to line up the pattern. Ah well.
Also, creating a zipper was kind of a pain in the ass. I didn't think I did such a hot job on that. Ah well.
OTHER THAN ALL THOSE THINGS where I just picked the whole thing apart and acted like it was HORRIBLE... I think it turned out pretty well. It's kinda cute.