Yup Hell City

May 31, 2009 17:23

I am so tired. I could pass out any minute... I'm home. Sitting on my couch, watching the Davinci Code.

I feel kind of like death. My sinuses are FUCKED. Sleeping in that bed killed me that night. Well, not that I really slept.

So, I got a small simple tattoo, but it's the start of big things.

It's on my right shin. The same leg as my dagger and my ship.

I've decided to get a ship's wheel on that knee and squid... lots of nautical things. I want the dot and star filler on that leg behind it all. I love the way that looks. Everything on that leg will be old school traditional style.

I swear to god we're like twins...

It was 5pm and this guy was passed out in the hall at the hotel! Win.


Thankfully, the guy who tattooed me was super light handed. I don't even feel like I got tattooed. I was half awake when it happened so it seriously hasn't even really hit me yet that I actually have a new tattoo. It doesn't hurt at all. When he was doing it I just remember thinking the whole time how pissed I was that getting the front of my leg tattooed barely hurt at all compared to the back. It makes me wish I had huge pieces on my shins. So yeah, now I don't know what to do next. If I should get my shins done or if I should finish my sleeve. It's such a hard decision! I like want to call Kevin right now and ask him to draw me a big ass squid.

anchor, hell city, home, tattoo

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