Great American Bake Sale

May 19, 2009 10:58

I really want to get involved in the Great American Bake Sale


It puts 100% of the proceeds towards helping children and their website claims the funds stay local. I really want to sign up to host a bake sale, but I need to know that there will be people behind me on this because I can't do it all by myself. If you would be willing to bake a dozen cookies, bake a cake, make some brownies or cup cakes or something to donate to this, and if you'd be willing to sit someplace with me on a Sunday or two selling this stuff for a good cause, please let me know.

If I can get the people behind it, I am more than willing to put in the leg work to advertise our bake sale and get us a spot to hold it.

I'd like to do a raffle and give away prizes, like gift certificates to local places or something. I don't know, I think it could be cool. I'd really like to get involved in something. Hell, I'd raffle off a free wedding cake or something.

So... who's with me on this? If you are here in Dayton, Ohio or the surrounding area and would come out for it and you'd like to help, let me know!

bake sale, gab, ohio, help, dayton

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