I said I was going to sleep

May 16, 2009 02:14

I told myself that tonight, I was going to sleep...

But I couldn't. I can't sleep when there's cake to be made... cake is srs bznz.

I have the cake that has to be done on sunday... well, I work both jobs tomorrow. There's no way I could do it tomorrow, unless I stayed up til 4am.

So tonight I baked my cakes. Three total pans. One large bottom cake and two layers for the top cake. I crumb frosted and stacked them. They were so dense and pefect. I was so excited. The bottom one was perfect. The extra egg whites I added really helped and I have no fear of it collapsing on itself. It didn't even tear at all when I crumb frosted it.
I cut all my wafers that I will need to line the cakes and I swear to god, I made white chocolate curls for a solid hour. I have a huge blister on my hand from the peeler.

All of the individual elements are done, it just needs to be assembled. Saturday night or Sunday morning, I just have to frost the cake, put the wafers on, cover the tops of the tiers with the chocolate curls, wrap the ribbons and place the flowers :)

The funny thing is... I feel bad charging people for something I truly enjoy doing and maybe that means I'm doing what im supposed to do.
When im up til 2am curling chocolate and cutting wafers with a bread knife... im not thinking about money or business, I'm imagining how awesome the cake is going to look when it's done. I'm thinking of what my friend's face will look like when she sees this thing. I'm thinking about how good I'm going to feel when I see it! And how proud I will be to put it on my website.

I constantly under quote people on cakes when they ask for quotes. This is only the second cake I've sold, but it's also the second cake that I've quoted a price on which was only about twice what the materials cost me lol. Thankfully, I have good friends who know my dumbass is up all night making these cakes and putting my heart into them and they've both offered me a fair amount.

I need to realize there's a difference between arrogance and confidence. It's not cocky to know what your work is worth.

So far, I've been doing the cakes the I want to do, I'm kind of horrified of custom orders... because what if I can't do it?
Jess S asked if I could do a Thomas the Train cake and I was too afraid that I couldn't do it, so I turned it down...
Well, a friend of Brian's mom has asked me to make a Star Wars cake. With Han Fucking Solo on it. I've got no idea how im going to do this... all I've decided is that I'm going to make adorable little light sabers out of pushpops. I'm going to make it happen. Haha.

I have a very long day ahead of me tomorrow and it's been a long day today.

Tonight brian and I grabbed the dog, got in the car and just drove around for over an hour, talking, laughing and singing our way down country roads. It was really nice.

I love him so much. He's been so supportive of my cake lately. Now that he sees what im capible of. :)

Ugh. Well, I need to stop putting it off and go to sleep!

jess, cake, sleep, brian, baking, late

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