
May 05, 2009 20:36

I made cupcakes this weekend instead of cake... I needed a baking fix, but I was in a hurry... so cupcakes seemed logical. I didn't get to make a cake last week :( At least I taught myself roses and I get to make a cake tomorrow and a cake this Sunday.

They were delicious, though they didn't go down without a fight lol... I made them Sunday and we're just now polishing off the last of them. I can't believe they lasted this long to be honest.

This weekend was REALLY long. We went to our cousin Megan's wedding on Saturday before the show. It was a really nice wedding. I was handed a video camera by her mother Marlene literally 20 minutes before the ceremony. It was basically, hey can you video tape??? KTHNXBYE. and then she ran off...I'd never seen or used this camera before... I thought well, at least I brought my tripod. OH WAIT... I forgot my fucking plate for it. UGH. So I turn the camera on... the low battery thing is flashing. fml. I plug it in and try to figure it out... black screen.. hmm ah lens cap. oh... still black screen? hm... I try everything I can and can't figure it out. I take it to Josh out in the lobby and beg for his help. He looks and does all the same shit I just did. We can't figure it out. Ten minutes... I find Marlene and tell her I can't figure it out. She tells me to ask Matt. MATT IS THE GROOM. He is getting married in 10 minutes. Are you kidding me? I humored her and tried to find him, but I couldn't figure out where this secret room he was in was... oh well. I tell her I'm sorry, but it's not going to happen.

I did what I could with my camera. I managed to video tape the ceremony with my camera, but now I can't get it off my fucking memory card. Ugh. It's whatever. I'll figure it out I guess.

It was a good wedding. There were some crazy parts, but I don't even feel like re-hashing it all. The point was, it was pretty lovely and they're so happy. I love them. They're a great couple.

cupcakes, wedding, photos

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