today is NOT the day Cindy

Apr 10, 2009 10:22

I've barely been at work 15 minutes. Cindy has not shut up since I got here. No good morning. No how are you feeling? I literally haven't said a word. She just won't shut up.

I would go as far as to say I feel worse today than yesterday.

She spent about 5 minutes telling me about some "asshole" who came in right at close last night wanting to buy a guitar. What an asshole.

Then somehow, this segwayed her into a story about when she worked in realestate and how people would want to see the condo model at the last minute... and what asshole's they were.

Then without shutting up to pause between stories, she starts talking about how some band came in last night and they were supposed to play The Pearl and she goes on and on about how "weird" the place is even though she has never been there. Ranting about how they don't open until 10pm and all this shit.

GUESS WHAT?? I DON'T GIVE A SHIT. If you would shut up for five seconds I could tell you about The Pearl because I used to hang out there. If you would shut up for five seconds, I might even tell you I don't give a shit.

Someone upstairs was talking about their shoulder hurting... so since I was ignoring her, she walked all the way up there to completely take over the conversation.


And jeff and barb had been talking before. I haven't heard a word from either since she went up there. Just her talking and cracking the fuck up at her jokes. They are not laughing! Just her! Its always just her. And she laughs HYSTERICALLY. Like its the fuunniest shit she's ever heard... even though its her own story and I've heard her tell it 6 times.

That's the other thing she does...
If something happens that day that she finds particularly funny, she won't wait until everyones around to tell them at once, I think she would almost rather tell everyone individually so she can waste maximum time and hear her own voice more.
Since I have to work at the desk with her, I have to hear her tell every single person we work with this same story over and over and over. And most of the time, she does this awkward pause where she assumes people will laugh, but its not funny!! So no one does. Then instead of just sucking it up and realizing how unfunny she is, since no one else laughs, she just cracks up laughing.

Also, some people can do no right in her mind and some people can do no wrong.
She hates barb, so if barb does something wrong its automatically the worst thing ever. Now, Bill could do the same exact thing and it would be a harmless mistake.

The other day I spent ten minutes trying to explain to her why it was stupid that someone made a sign for the breakroom door that said


I said it was incorrect to use quotation marks for emphasis. Its just not proper usage. Quotation marks suggest insincerity.
She likes the lady who made the sign so she argued (not very well) that I was wrong! And the sign was fine!
I bet if Barb had written the sign she would have said it was stupid.

She's currently fielding calls for sheet music sales. THAT IS NOT YOUR JOB CINDY. She obviously has no idea what she's talking about. If someone took my call and was claiming to be able to help me and turned out to be as big of an idiot as her... I would be really mad that my time was wasted like that.

She wants everyone to think she can do it all.

I sound really angry right now, but im having a bad day.
I feel really awful physically. I feel worse than yesterday.

This is also a hard day for me emotionally... I don't really feel like talking about it yet, but it's been ten years in the making.

annoyed, cindy, work, hauer

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