party like a rockstar

Mar 22, 2009 11:54

So, last night at the bar was a pretty good night. It was INSANE. The Dayton Daily News did a two page centerfold in the Friday weekend section. They said we had really cool food and that it was really good, they said that we had good drinks and all this stuff... well, after reading about us in the paper, everyone in Ohio decided to come to the bar last night and try to the food. Basically, we were slammed all night long. We ran out of all our most popular items (which were reviewed in the paper) like our pickle soup (our most popular menu item), we ran out of our bourbon sauce which goes on our chicken, we ran out of the taziki sauce which goes on the falafel (our most popular sandwich) and some other various things.
You could tell that a lot off people hadn't been there before, they were trying to order bud light drafts and shit lol. We only offer small batch and craft beers on tap. Last night we got in new Avery Maharaja Pale Ale. It's 10.5% and $6.50 a pint!! Haha. Everyone loved it. I love getting people who don't normally drink craft beers to try something new. YOUR LIFE DOESN'T HAVE TO BE BORING ANYMORE. hahaha.
A lot of tables were ordering a wide variety of our foods. I'd get a table of four who would order an app, soups, salads and entrees. Almost everyone was fun, sweet and a joy to serve. I had a couple assholes though.
There was a table of two in the front, old people... old people aren't always mean and they didn't start out mean, but they ordered the smallest burgers we have and they wanted them medium rare. I'm sorry, but you can't expect these little ass burgers to truly come out medium rare. They're like a 1/4 inch thick if that. They were so mean about it and I was so nice to them, it almost ruined my night. I don't like it when people are mean to me. They were really rude. Oh well.
Also, we had bands at the end of the night. I still had some tables. I usually wait until the 1st band finishes, then I go around and collect the tabs from my tables, explaining that since the kitchen is now closed, I will be heading out, I need them to settle up with me and if they want more drinks, they can still open a tab with the bar afterwards. Well, I check on all my tables and then run outside to have a chat with my ex who's been hanging around the bar. He seemed a little spacey and he owed me for his food still, so I wanted to go make sure he paid me. We hung out for about 15 minutes talking outside. The band stopped playing, he paid me, I went back inside and went around to my tables collecting payments while it as relatively quiet as the second band set up.
Only one problem... where did table 9 go?? Their table sat empty. I bussed their plates and left their half drunk beers on the table in case they just got up to run out to smoke or something...
I go around and settle up with everyone else. Still no table 9. Hmm... I go outside and poke around. I ask Khalani if he's seen the guys from 9 and describe him. He doesn't know, I mean there were hundreds of people there last night. I look around outside, there were probably 20 people in front of the bar... I don't see them. I go back in... don't see them. I'd now been looking for them for about 45 minutes.
I told Nate what happened and he was understanding. It was a 20.99 tab, mostly food, there was only one beer on it, and it was a draft Guinness.
I went back outside, talked a little more to Jim and offered him his change, he didn't want it back which was nice. He didn't have to give me a tip, it was just a sandwich and he didn't even get to sit down to eat it since there weren't any tables open, he ate it outside lol.
I probably got 5 $10 tips last night. After tipping out the bar and paying for the food Brian ate and my burger, I still made off with $100. Not too shabby. That means I made an extra $250 this week, which is really nice to have.

I never called Kevin yesterday though about getting tattooed on Wednesday. I hope he has appointments open. I still don't know what I want, but I have some ideas though. I think I might finally get a cupcake. I have a spot by my wrist where it would fit.

This blog is getting increasingly hard to write as there is a kitten and a chihuahua battling on my lap. lol

I'm trying desperately to catch up on my all DVR shows today. I'm watching Hell's Kitchen right now.

bar, tattoos, blind bob's, tips, ddn, beer, tv, customers

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