cheating at solitaire

Mar 21, 2009 12:33

These little updates from my phone at work are becoming more common.

My nose is running like crazy ugh.

I spent all morning texting Tyson. We came up with new nick-names for eachother with bird names haha. Because we were talking about someone with the nickname t-hawk. He wanted to call me t-red breasted nut hatch hahahaha. We settled on t-finch and t-eagle haha but then we decided to drop the hyphens so im going to just call him teagle and he's going to call me tfinch. This probably isn't funny to anyone but us, but that's okay. It made my morning.

My order from Amazon should arrive soon which excites me a lot because there stuff in it for Ender's Wall-E cake. :)
As well as a tiered cake pan set which im losing my mind excited about.

I didn't take a pic of the cake I made this week because it was fug. Hahaha. I don't blame myself. I had no time to make it and ended up having to piece it together over like a 3 day period. I was pretty unhappy with it all in all. I worked on it too quickly and didn't have all the materials I needed.

I'm trying sooo hard to focus myself and only buy things that I NEED right now instead of a bunch of dumb crap I want. There's soooo much I want though hahaha.

I want white and pink skull candy headphones, a PoGo polaroid printer, a cake air brush, an ipod touch, a fish eye lens, new shoes, new bags, new clothes...
I need to push it all out of my mind and focus on Hell City. It's going to cost me $37 just to walk in the door... I want to stay with Liz and help her with the hotel room bill. I want to eat and drink well there and, of course, get tattooed.
Im going to need money for that and I only have 2 months to save so I need to be good!

I AM going to treat myself to a tattoo next week though. I feel like I deserve it for all the hard work I've been doing. I have a pretty awkard stretch of skin open on my right arm and im having issues figuring out what the hell to do with it. I didn't plan too well hahaha.

I want to go Wednesday, drive to Middletown to get tattooed and then drive to Lexington to see Chels. Even if just for a few hours!

I'm epic tired. Another long night coming up... tomorrow, I should make a cake or do something, but I just don't know if I will have the energy. I hope to fuck I make good money tonight at the bar. Working at the music store all day makes me crazy sometimes. Cindy makes me want to break shit, she's so annoying.

Im so sad Tyson can't hang out tonight. I miss him so badly! Our texting lately has really made me miss him.

I think katie is cutting my hair tonight. That will be a huge relief. My hair has been really bugging me.

I have about a million shows on the DVR to catch up on tomorrow as well.

Ah well, how is everyone's weekend shaping up?

tattoos, 2009, blind bob's, shopping, tyson, hell city, work, kevin byers, hauer

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