feels like I should be getting somewhere...

Mar 19, 2009 08:50

Yesterday I had all these glorious plans for lounging around, baking a cake, decorating, watching tv, eating dinner with my husband etc etc... then Kalani called me and beggggged me to take his shift at the bar... I tried desperately to think of a reason why I couldn't, but he's worked every day since last Thursday and I really wasn't doing anything. I grudgingly agreed. I didn't realize until I got there that there was only one server on Wednesdays. Ugh. It was karaoke night and we were pretty busy. I was running my ass off all night and my last table was a huuuge table who hung out eating and drinking all night long from about 8pm- 1:30am. By the time I got home, it was 1:45am. Now, I get to go open at Hauer at 9:30am. Then I'm going BACK to the bar because Nate asked me last week if I could work tonight so he would have two servers for this art thing we're doing there tonight. Thankfully, I don't work at the bar tomorrow night, but I do work Saturday night.
I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed. This job is hard and while the money is mostly good, I'm just not used to pushing myself like this, physically. Most nights when I work, I don't end up eating dinner. Just because I go straight there from my other job and I hate spending money on dinner when I don't really have the proper time to eat. Everyone else stands at the end of the bar and scarfs down full meals, but I think it's a little tacky to eat in front of the customers and most of the time, I'm so busy, I just down right forget to eat. I don't even think about it until way later when the kitchen is closed or when I'm going home.

Ugh, I feel like I've seriously gotten two hours of sleep. I considered calling off at Hauer because I'm so fucking tired from working half the night at Blind Bob's. That's pretty lame.

I feel like I should treat myself to 5th street deli for lunch today. I dunno.

Everything hurts. I'm going to go eat a bottle of asprin and a bagel. Not necessarily in that order.

blind bob's, work, hauer, stress

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