gearing up for another long weekend

Mar 05, 2009 23:29

This is going to be another long ass weekend. I'm kind of not looking forward to it all...

I'm starting to have anxiety about having two jobs. I know I just started the second one, but it just seems like I have a lot of expectations to live up to. Or something. I don't know. Maybe I just feel like this because it's new and I don't know what I'm doing yet and I'm freaking out. The bar is either really slow or really busy. There's no middle ground and that's making it really hard for me to learn. When it's really slow I'm like psh... I got this, but when it's really busy I'm like omfg I want to die or quit or quit and die. It just makes it hard to learn what the hell I'm doing.

The kitten is good. Eddy is really sweet with him, but he plays kind of hard, he doesn't realize how much stronger he is than Gibson. Gibson pouncing Eddy, no big deal, Eddy pouncing Gibson... no good haha. He also needs to realize that just because Gibson's whole face CAN fit in his mouth... doesn't mean it SHOULD. lol... It's not like he's biting the kitten's face, but he's certainly mouthing it. Also, this kitten is a bottomless pit! He eats and drinks so much! haha. I don't want to over feed him, but of course, if he seems like he wants more, it melts my little heart and I give him more lol. It's like when my brother was little and would always ask for more food and next thing you know he was a little chunk butt and my mom's excuse was "he saying he was hungry!" haha...

I miss Chelsea. She texted me tonight, but I wasn't in the same room as my phone and I missed her texts. I texted her back, but never heard anything back from her. Boo. Today was technically the first day we didn't converse since she's been gone. I want to go see her. Maybe if I make good money this weekend, I can go see her on Sunday. Actually, maybe she'll be here Sunday even. I hope she's going to be in town for the Auburndale show.

Saturday is Auburndale's first show back in like two years. I'm really stoked for them. I guess I'm bummed that I'm working at the bar that night, but I also know it's going to be packed and I'm going to make good money.

lol both the kitten and the dog are currently on their backs swatting and biting at our fingers. It's ridiculously cute. Now Gibson wants to play on the keyboard.

v 6tn5jjjyyyytyyrrrrrrrr5

that's from him :)

chelsea, show, eddy, blind bob's, work, auburndale, gibson

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