time on my hands

Feb 25, 2009 17:02

i've barely been online the past couple of days. Brian has been hogging the laptop for recording and i've been at work... I actually have to leave in 40 minutes to go to my first night at Blind Bob's. work work work...

Yesterday was a horrible day, I planned on listing the huge amount of things that went wrong with yesterday from the moment I opened my eyes until the moment I closed them... but I don't feel like getting all worked up about it again and it's over and today is a new day.

I got my big ol' box of make up in the mail today which made me quite happy. I just spent an hour putting on my face, doing my hair and painting my nails.

I got a french manicure set... but I have no idea what I'm doing! It came with little... stencils? guides? I don't flipping know... haha... it either didn't come with directions or I eh... more than likely threw them away because I just kind of tore everything open and threw out the packaging. Tips? thoughts? I'll work it out... I just did black today, too bother Cindy, she hates black nails...

I REALLY love the lip gloss I got, the liquid eye liner doesn't have the best application and the mascara seemed like it might not be so nice, but looks surprisingly good on. The eye shadow and the pressed power, I found surprisingly rich in pigment for what I paid... did I mention how much i love the lip gloss..?

So, last night we watched the movie Choke. I watched carefully, waiting for certain things I wanted to see from the book. It was more than disappointing in that aspect. Not only that, but Brian, who has never read the book just seemed lost throughout the whole thing. It was hard to follow if you don't know the book and I don't think they did a very good job. I was pretty mad. A lot of my favorite parts of the book were left out and on top of that, there were a lot of parts in the book I found to be fast paced and epic, but in the movie NOTHING was fast paced or epic. It was really slow. They even left some of the sub plots completely unresolved! It was absurd!
Denny... Cherri Daiquiri... they never said what happened with them! They left out so much! I was mad. The more I thought about it after the movie was over, the more mad I got, really. Oh well, that's what I get for reading books.

I'm sitting here with no pants on. I should really be getting ready for work... yet... hm. It's whatever. I don't know. I should be like nervous or something right? For a first day somewhere? I think I'm more alarmed at how not alarmed I am. I was supposed to learn the menu, which I've looked at exactly one time since it was given to me by Nate to look over for a week. It's whatever. The menu is so explanatory, I don't feel like I need to know it. Oh well. It is what it is. I don't care. lol I just need more money so I can fuel all of my little addictions like tattoos and make up and shoes...

Plus, with Chelsea moving to goddamn Lexington Kentucky... well, I'm going to need gas money to go see her. Because I have to go see her. I still don't know how I'm going to function away from her. The past week, I've barely gone a day without seeing her even for just an hour or two. Even last night in my horrible horrible mood, I saw her for a little while.

Tonight after work, I'll have to catch up on my friend's list.

I guess I'd better find some pants or something.

chelsea, choke, makeup, blind bob's, movies, lexington, work

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