you know what really grinds my gears

Feb 18, 2009 12:46

It makes me feel old, but I really can't stand the current teenage fashion. Mostly because it's starting to leak into people my age. At 25, I shouldn't be saying "GODDAMN KIDS! GET OFF MY LAWN WITH YOUR STUPID SUNGLASSES!" But I am.

I can go to 47 band pages and come up with the same things...

not only do all the bands look the same, but the shirts are worse...

It looks like the 80s threw up on some t-shirts.

and WHAT THE FUCK are these???

I'm sorry, I'm not trying to offend anyone, but I just don't get it! The whole new "ghetto fabulous" thing is really starting to get to me. *bling bling*! WTF. I mean, I did some dumb things to get attention, when I was a teenager, but jesus christ, wrapping myself in hot pink, green, yellow and blue and then weighing myself down with turquoise necklaces of dollar signs on them.

All these bands look the same, sound the same, act the same... I know originality has been dead for a long time, but this just grosses me out.

Sure when I was a teenager, lots of people were wearing plaid pants...

but we bought those pants at the thrift store and made them ours.

I had purple hair and I was dressing like the chicks from Ghost World

But I was being myself (i think) and not buying the punk rock starter kit at the mall.

I got made fun of for wearing white belts and sewing my own clothes.
We all wore chuck taylor high tops... and you got ONE pair and you drew on them yourself and you wore those shoes until they fell apart around your feet and then wore them for another two months.

We did some fashion mistakes... we crimped our hair... we wore flannel...

I don't know. It seems like music isn't about music anymore, it's all about the way you look and who has more fucking retarded hair. It makes me wonder if it's always been like this and I just didn't notice.
I hate the current fashion! Ugh! I think it looks so stupid. Teenage girls worship these horrible catty bitches who snob around with these bands and act like they're someone because of it.

Even some bands I used to like, I can't stomach anymore. Fall Out Boy disgusts me, Paramore is the new Evenesance, Gym Class Heros I only liked when I heard their demo and it's hard to write this without mentioning names of bands that I know or are form Dayton who I just really despise.

I don't know where I'm going with all this. It's just been making me crazy.
Sorry if this offends you, turns out 25 is the new 40 or something.

It's my day off and it's 2 in the afternoon and I haven't done a damn thing but sit here. I just felt like being lazy and snuggling with my puppy.

gross, bands, old, fashion, music

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