
Feb 07, 2009 08:19

Saturdays are the days I dread and wait for all at the same time. I hate them because it's the day we open earlier than any other at work, but we also close half an hour early and I have Sunday's off... I just hate to drag my ass in there... but let's be honest, I hate doing that every day, now don't I?

Brian came home last night and it started well. Then I told him I was thinking of going back to school and I want to make cakes and all this shit and he started in on about about how my job isn't that bad and how we can't afford school and shit. I knew it was exactly what he would say. So I thanked him for not taking me seriously, and went to the bedroom and cried. I've supported him through so much. When he was unhappy, I let him take a huge chance by opening that recording studio. Look where he is now with it. That's all I'm saying.

He followed me in and said he was sorry and he did take me seriously and he didn't know what I was talking about. He said he didn't think I really wanted to make cakes and told me he wanted me to get a job writing. He said he didn't understand why I couldn't just go to the newspaper and ask them for a job. Then, I shittly asked him if he was fucking stupid. I mean, really, this isn't a movie. Things don't just work like that. You have to go to college for shit like that.
So then he says, well, do people REALLY go to school to make CAKES? How hard could it be. He obviously has no idea.
The point is, I completely understand that we do not have the time or the money involved in me going to school. At all. I looked up the cake class, to take it you have to take another class and a lab, I looked up that class and that lab, to take them... you have to take another class and another lab... it goes on like this forever really. Basically, I would have to go to school for food prep for like two fucking years at Sinclair before they'd let me touch a cake. I don't have time for that, let's be honest. We picked this place at the Cannery to live in and now we have to pay the rent. I have to have a full time job.

I tried explaining the point about the cakes. I love food and I love art. It's the marriage of the two. People will ALWAYS needs cakes in their lives. Always. People will always get married, people will always have birthdays, etc. The demand is there. A cake can be a huge thing to someone. Just as a dress is a part of a wedding, so is a cake. A beautiful wedding cake can make a bride cry and will be remembered for their entire life.

I just want to do something that means someone to something.

He wants me to teach myself how to make cakes. :/
Maybe I can find some youtube videos. Sigh.

I just can't sit and stare at a wall, trying to block out Cindy's voice for the rest of my life. I'm WAY better than that.

Anyhow, Brian and I talked and snuggled and made up in the end. I love him to death, he's just got rocks for brains sometimes.

In other news, tonight, I'm going to go see one of my best friends in the entire world, play guitar and sing acoustic at Blind Bob's. It's her first time doing something like this and I can't wait to see it. I need to remember to charge my camera batteries. I don't want to miss a second.
Chelsea Johnson has been a huge lifesaver to me. I love her to death and I don't think I would be the same without her. She's one of my cornerstones. :) I can't wait to see her shine tonight.

Ugh... I have 15 mins to finish getting ready for work.

cake, chelsea, brian, work, life, college

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