
Jan 21, 2009 22:36

ahopeofsparks Katie came over and helped me with my hairs.

It turned out really well. I just need to get it trimmed now so that it layers better because my layers are really grown out, but the toner she brought over made the yellowy bleach color fade to a nice blonde, almost platinum.

And I just figured out how to transfer files from my phone to my computer via bluetooth... guess I was a little behind on that one? lol Whatever. In my defense, I've never tried to do it before and it only took me about 45 seconds to figure it out, therefore, I'm sure I could have been perfectly capable of doing it this whole time if I'd wanted to. I'm getting too defensive here...

Time for bed I think.

I finished one person's handmade gift today and half of another. Now finding time to buy postage and mail... that's another story haha.

Ah well...

color, katie, bleach, new, friends, hair

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