
Dec 18, 2008 20:48

Ugh, I'm in a weird mood overall right now. Ebay has been making me miserable for days. I have three items listed and one of them is now on its THIRD listing due to problems. It's really making me crazy. It's so bad I've had to call Ebay twice. The lady barely spoke english and tried to explain something to me, which I had already explained to her. I was like look lady, I know what I'm doing. I don't need to "walk me through" how to add an email address to my paypal. I don't need you to read your little flash cards to me, I need to to fix this jackass's transaction after he sent payment to the wrong email address. It's really frustrating when I know more than the help people I call. Seriously. It makes me want to stab people. Basically, while she was on the phone with me I figured it out and tried to explain to her how I fixed it. She kept trying to tell me how she was going to help me trouble shoot and I got mad and hung up because she wasn't getting that I'd solved the problem. Ugh.

My tivo DID NOT record Ghost Hunters last night for some unknown reason and I'm mad as hell about it.

And did I miss something...? or is this season of Grey's over??? They're showing another rerun tonight! Last week was also a rerun... so wtf? Was the episode before that the season finale and I just didn't know? I don't know. Blah. I needed it this week. Seriously. I'm so bummed.

Brian sold Micah his old recording rig and they've spent days on end trying to make pro-tools work on Micah's computer. It's really aggravating me because they're on the phone all the damn time or he's over there all the damn time and I'm just stuck at home. Brian called and made me search the entire second bedroom for the protools disc... I looked for half an hour... Then tonight Brian tells me Micah bought the new version of protools. wtf? If he was just going to buy the new version, why didn't he just do that in the first place? He has more money than anyone I know. Erg. The whole thing has just been stressing Micah out, which is stressing brian out which is stressing me out. I would be mad too if someone sold me something for $1,000 and it wasn't working.

I'm starving but there's like nothing here I want to eat. I know that's a shitty excuse to not eat, but all I want to do is eat a giant bowl of pasta and there's no chance in hell I'm eating a bowl of pasta at 9pm. It would just lead to me crying about how fat I am later.

< / end rant >

recording, food, brian, micah, ebay, tv, stress

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