I have decided that I am going to be hot in my 30s.

Aug 22, 2008 11:10

I have decided that I am going to be hot in my 30s. Not hot like I am now, where I sweat like a horse in a glue factory, but actually hot in the aesthetic sense. I have also decided that I am not going to take more than 2 prescription medications, I am not going to have to continue buying my pants in "husky" sizes and I am not going to have to wear shorts under my skirts to avoid the dreaded "chub rub".

After talking to my doctor, I have decided to undergo bariatric surgery.

It was not a particularly proud moment, realizing that I now qualify.

I do want to address something here, with you, in case you're harboring, in the back of your mind, the little thought that I don't need bariatric surgery, that I just need to stop substituting food for love. I myself struggled with that thought. But here's
the deal: in order to be healthy, to not have high blood pressure or diabetes, to not have knee problems, or kidney failure, glaucoma, hair loss, swollen extemities, back problems, liver problems etc., I need to lose at least 100 pounds. And I know, from experience, that I just can't do that.

I can lose about 30 on my own, as long as something horrible happens to a loved one AND I have to fit into a bridesmaid dress, but beyond that...it's just not going to happen.

I have decided to undergo lap band surgery, which is less invasive and has a faster recovery rate. It also causes less weight-loss, but I don't see this surgery as THE answer to my weight problem. I see it as a tool to help me. I've joined a gym (and I actually go,
sometimes) and today, I had a salad with my lunch. I'm making some fundamental changes to how I live my life and this is just another change. Hopefully, it will be a good one.

I am going to do this mostly on my own...but I need a little help. From the doctors and the nutritionists and that guy at the gym who can't put his arms all the way down. And my family and friends. And possibly my cat. Come to think of it, he needs to go on a diet, too. He's getting a bit hefty and I'm pretty sure nothing on him is supposed to jiggle when he runs (if he runs-mostly to his food bowl).

Anyway, my most major hurdle is insurance. So far, my insurance company is on board- they've assigned me a caseworker. But, I believe I have to undergo a psychiatric evaluation before I get approved, so...maybe this is all a shot in the dark. (She's crazy...for Nutella!)

But, no matter what my insurance company decides, I have still decided that I will be hot in my 30s. I will age like a fine wine...or a particularly nice wheel of cheese, instead of my current path which, to stretch this metahor like my pants, will lead directly to the bargain bin-like an off-colored piece of meat, priced at $2.00 for a quick sale.
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