..all my pauses they're all stops anyway...

Aug 04, 2006 00:19


Not a very busy day. Work was spent being coked up on berocca and coffee and eating KFC.

Went to my friends for dinner, he's leaving to go on set in a couple of weeks and then he's moving to london, so I'm trying to see him as much as possible before he goes. We spent quite a lot of the time looking for photos of him playing rugby for his film (don't ask) and scanning necessities into the comp to email the producer in the states.

It was a giggle looking back on all the photos he had (I never realised I was a chubby bunny at school...) and it's always nice to see his parents.

Am busy downloading albums... have I ever said how much I adore the music sharing comms on here? Well I do.

Although, at the moment Xtina's new album is sounding a little same-y... maybe it's a grower.

rl, music

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