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Dec 13, 2008 11:43

Consumers are used to packaging design that either screams for attention with bright colors and lots of information, or minimally styled to project a high-end image. Its rare to see examples that combine shape and graphics to tell a story about the product. The Stockholm Design Lab (SDL) saw an opportunity for package storytelling while creating the sparkling elixir brand Sav from Jämtland Sweden. The drink is made from birch sap.

The original recipe dates from 1785 but the story starts much earlier. When the inland ice drew back from Jämtland 9,000 years ago, the birch was the first tree to reach for the skies again. When humans came to the region, the birch was the first tree they noticed. The trees were tapped of sap, which was drunk to greet the coming of spring.

SDL created a bottle label and wrap that interprets the birch tree in a modern way. When the bottles are displayed in multiples, the packaging creates an effect that looks like the birch forests from Sweden where the drink is produced.

[via psfk]
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