Sooooo I didn't go apply for jobs today... OTL
But I did finally call the guy from Rotary, and I did some cleaning and laundry and stuff, so today wasn't a complete waste I guess. Or rather, not as much of a waste as usual. OTL
Tomorrow I swear I'm at least going to make my resume and vision board, and go out and get some make up and windex. And pack my room, clean the bathrooms, and vacuum. I need to make my mom get more boxes, too. I'll go with her if I have to. (My dad was SUPPOSED to go get some weeks ago, but he never does anything).
In other news, thanks to
pinewood, I've been totally getting into
Poupee Girl. :3 It's so fun! I just wish my camera cord weren't packed away in storage... (why is everything I actually need already in storage??)
For those of you who don't know, it's a Japanese fashion site/forum thing where you create and avatar and you dress her up in all sorts of cute clothes which you buy with ribons. You earn ribons by posting pictures of your own rl clothes! You should all go make an account and friend me!! :DD
pinewood, the link in your friending post didn't work for your poupee girl DD: