Italy (Daisuke Namikawa) only did one other anime role that I'm familiar with- fai from tsubasa~ Which is omfg adorable! And he also did the japanese dub of Frodo in LOTR and Elliot in ET! He did Jake from Freaky Friday, as well. and anakin skywalker, but we'll ignore that.
Japan (Hiroki Takahashi) apparently played Stephen Gevanni from Death Note (though I haven't watched the anime that far yet) and Endo Shoji from Nana. He played Harima Kenji from School Rumble which is EPIC!
Germany (Hiroki Yasumoto) plays Yasutora Sado (Chad) from Bleach, and al;fjhadskfh Yagari Toga (Zero's Shisshou) from Vampire Knight!!! Though, it's not exactly how I pictured his voice...
Narrator (Kishou Taniyama) plays Kittan from Gurren Lagann (lololol), and a bunch other other characters from anime I've heard of but never watched..
France (Masaya Onosaka) plays Ichiro Mihara from Angelic Layer(heehee), also Don Patch from Bobobo-Bobo-Bobo(XD), Leeron from Gurren Lagann(<3), Haruka Fukagawa from Love Com(pffft), Jadeite from Sailor Moon (lol wut), Vash from Trigun (a;lksdfjhl <33333) who are all amazing, hilarious characters, and totally fit his character.
United Kingdom (Noriaki Sugiyama) is Bloo from the japanese dub of Fosters XD, Ishida from Bleach, and Sasuke from Naruto (ohhh goshhhh OTL). Not really how I pictured his voice, but I'm sure it will be fine...
Russia (Yasuhiro Takato) plays (lolol) Frankie Stichino in the japanese dub of Boy Meets World, Hurley in Lost (awwwwwww!), Gluttony from FMA (scary!!!). I can totally see him playing Russa. I can't wait to actually see it~
Austria (Akira Sasanuma) plays Link in Brawl and Twilight princess, and other stuff that I don't know... Hm. I still have a hard time knowing who Austria even is in the comics OTL
Lithuania (Ken Takeuchi) plays Kio from Lovess. Awwww that's so perfect!